--This isn't a story but what I really experienced with my cousin many years ago.--

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One hot friday in August just before midnight, my cousin Brisella and I went back home and we immediately sat down on the armchairs in the living room. A high school classmate of mine had invited me to his home to celebrate his birthday and since after dinner my parents and my uncles had decided to spend the weekend at our country house, about 40 kilometers away, my cousin stayed with me to join the party. We both had planned to go to the country house the following morning. I was 17 then and my cousin 21. I quickly checked my camera and then put it on the little table.
“I supppose you took many pictures as usual.” she said.
“Yes, it's my favorite hooby.”
“I believe photography is more than just a hobby for you. You always carry your camera with you and since you also have your dark room to develop your pictures, I think it would be good if you thought about making photography your profession.”
“Well, I really like your suggestion but for now I want to devote myself to the study.” I answered.
While we were chatting I was very excited due to her miniskirt and it was too difficult to take my eyes off her thighs. As I was very embarassed I needed to take a time off to freely caress my cock somewhere else. For this reason I asked her if she'd like some iced tea.
“Very good idea. I also need a glass of tea. In the meantime you go for it to the kitchen, I'll go to the bathroom to freshen up a bit.” Brisella said.
She and my aunt Edda had inspired my early wanks and they always were the main protagonists of the incessant erotic mental movies that I dramatized to jerk my cock off. She went back to the living room when I was putting the tray with tea and glasses on the little table and after she sat comfortably down on the sofa, I handed her a glass of tea. I sat down on the armchair in front of her and while I was sipping the tea, I contemplated her thighs with great discretion, trying to hide my sexual excitement.
“As I feel quite tired, would you mind getting close to me and massaging my feet a bit ?” she asked.
I obeyed her and after taking her sandals off, I began to massage her feet very softly. Often and with great discretion, I continued to glance at her thighs.
“You should be a masseur as I notice you're doing that whih excessive delicacy and accuracy.” she said with satisfaction.
“This is the first time I give a foot massage.” I said.
“You involuntarily touched some of my sensitive points which are already stimulating me sexually.” Brisella spontaneously said to me.
The confidence that existed between us was such that she always sopke to me very openly and without any scruple, but at that point I stopped and fell silent as her words left me somewhat perplexed.
“Please believe me if I tell you that I ignored the presence of those peculiar points even in the feet. I was only trying to do my best by giving you a soft foot massage; it wasn't my intention to excite you. Please, accept my apologies.” I said sorely puzzled and confused.
“I do believe you and you absolutely mustn't apologise for doing something that pleases me so much. Know that every time I met my ex-boyfriend to fuck with, he always started by worshipping my feet. He was used to caress, kiss and lick my feet and even suck all of my toes. Since that was something which turned me madly on, thenceforth I began to like it so much. So, relax and go on, please.” she said somewath excited and without any scruple.
My embarassment stopped me and I only managed to say :
“Recall I'm your cousin and not your boyfriend.”
“Our degree of kindship must absolutely not be an obstacle for us because for the time being we're just a man and a woman eager to savor and enjoy the pleasures that sex is about to offer us. I well know that untill today you never had a girlfriend and for this reason, I think it's right that you learn to behave like a real man who knows how to intimately satisfy a woman because I bet that you never fucked any girl. Am I wrong ?” she said.
Her words struck me to the point of making me blush and ashamed. I tried to say:
“I … , I really …, I only ...”
She clearly understood my embarassment and sweetly said to me :
“Please forgive me and don't try to say any word. Since the moment you don't feel like answering me, I realize that my suspicion was well founded. Pardon me once more; my question was really indiscreet and I shouldn't have asked you.” she said quite mortified.
“Don't worry about your question at all; it isn't indiscreet but the answer could be. Anyway, my problem is that I really feel mortified as a man for never having fucked a woman or even a whore.” I said.
“On the one hand I'm sorry that you haven't enjoyed those pleasures but on the other I'm really pleased to be the one who'll reap the flower of your virginity. I'll be so proud to lead you into the art of fucking a woman.” she said to me with an affectionate and morbid smile.
“Please Brisella, remember we're cousins. How do you come up with such an idea ?” I asked much more embarassed.
“Don't worry and relax. Know that many cousins even marry each other with the approval of the whole family members. Other cousins even live together without any scruples.”
“Oh yeah Brisella, I've heard something about these peculiar relations. Anyway I thank you very much for your availability but I'm unworthy to fuck a beautiful woman like you also because I wouldn't know how or where to start.” I said.
“Please, clear all this garbage from your mind. Any man has the right to fuck the woman he likes. Relay on me because I'm going to teach you the best way to fuck any woman. I perfectly know how much you want me because I've noticed that many times you look at both me and my mother out of the corner of your eye. I confess that I infringed your privacy and I really beg your pardon if I had the curiosity to rummage through the drawers of you deck a bit.”
Her words made me blush much more, but despite of it, she continued saying :
“As soon as I opened the upper drawer, I recognized a used white towel of mine that I had not found for a long time and when I took it I saw a handkerchief of mine that I had not even found for some time that covered a poster of my own face, as big as the most of the drawer, that I had never seen before. When I opened the central drawer I didn't believe my eyes because, inside of it, I didn't expect to find a photo album, a lipstick of mine that I had thrown, an empty vial of the perfume I had used and even a pair of my used panties in there. I remember giving up looking for those panties as I couldn't find them anywhere and I unexpectedly found them inside your drawer. Your photo album contains many pictures showing me and my mother wearing swimsuits; I had seen those pictures because I remember that you took them just a couple of years ago at the beach and many other pictures of me. However, I was very surprised when I also found more recent pictures, which I've never seen before, because you took them secretly; pictures of me and my mother while we both were rather distracted and you framed our legs, thighs, asses and tits. My congratulations for your very clear close-ups. However I wonder when and how you managed to shoot also some pictures of my mother wearing only a full open bathrobe. Know that I haven't said a word to my mother about these peculiar pictures although I suppose that she, being so narcissistic, would be proud to know that you really like her shapes and that you even took that kind of photos of her. But tell me, do you really like both of us so much ? I'm sure that you've also dedicated lots of wanks to both of us, right ?” she asked.
Since I had been caught, I was speechless and I regretfully said to her :
“I'm really sorry you catched me; I know well that nothing can fully justify my conduct. Despite our sincere and mutual affection I admit that I also like you both very much as women. I admit I took your own perfume vial, lipstik, handkerchief and the towel because I just wanted smell you through all of them. I must also confess that you and Aunt Edda have inspired me a lot of satisfactory wanks. Since I had my first orgasm imagining your legs, I even took your panties because I needed to smell your cunt by sniffing them. I hope some day you'll be able to forgive me for doing all that.” I sadly said to her without having the courage to look at her into the eyes.
Brisella said sweetly to me:
“We both love you so much too and I imagine how troubled you find yourself after this confession. You mustn't be so ashamed or blame or accuse or grieve yourself for having done all that. You haven't done anything worthy of being reproached, because you just felt the need and the pleasure to wank your cock to me and my mother. For what I'm concerned, know that I'm very pleased to have been the one who inspired your first orgasm. I'm also very pleased that in your subsequent wanks you've also added my mother and I bet that if she knew this, she'd be very pleased too. Knowing that you've dedicated a lot of energies by jerking your cock to me, fills me with pride and contributes to further increacing my ego. Me and the bulk of women, what most aspire is just impressing men. Since my mother thinks as me, I feel I can also speak on behalf of her and I bet that she'd be very grateful to you for wanking your cock to her so many times and for taking those peculiar pictures of her. Furthermore, I'm very grateful to you for telling me that you took my perfume empty vial and my panties to smell me and my cunt because this morbid and respectful action of yours really flatters me a lot.”
“You mean that I should be glad for all I did, even for wanking my cock to both of you ?” I asked somewhat relaxed.
“Sure. You did everything very well and I hope you to go on wanking your cock to both of us. You mustn't be the first guy to find youself unfairly guilty for wanking your cock because sexual cravings start manifesting during puberty and it's then when everybody start masturbating even though many people never stop masturbating. Know that although my new boyfriend and I often fuck, I feel the need to masturbate my cunt for long and not less than twice a day. According to this, I suggest you to go on jerking your cock off but not too much because what you also need is a woman to fuck with. Anyway I'm curious and quite excited to know how and when you took those pictures of my mother.” Brisella said.
“I really thank you for telling me these things because now I feel relaxed and not guilty just as I thought I was. I assure you that I'll be glad to go on wanking my cock to you and to Aunt Edda. I'll answer your question by telling you that last year, after my mother and Aunt Edda finished helping me prune the trees around our country hose, my mother started watering all of them alone, so, Aunt Edda and I went home to take a shower. After I had finished taking my shower and got dressed, I continued to hear water flowing from the bathroom where Aunt Edda was. Due to this reason, I went to the door and realizing that Aunt Edda was still taking her shower, I decided to stop and spy on her. Later I saw her leave the bathroom wearing a peculiar and short two-tone bathrobe, white and blue, lightly tied with a belt and enter her bedroom without noticing that she had left the door slightly ajar; then she threw herself on the bed and fell asleep in the blink of an eye. I immediately looked out of the corridor window to ascertain that my mother was still watering the trees; then I quickly entered my room and took my camera. I tiptoed into Aunt Edda's bedroom and found her deeply asleep with one leg slightly apart and her thigh partially covered by her short bathrobe; since I was too much excited, I delicately unfasteneded the two tone belt, white and blue, of her bathrobe and displaced it without any hesitation. Since the moment I saw Aunt Edd completely naked, I didn't want to waste a second and in the blink of an eye, I took some photos of her. As actually I had never seen and admired a completely naked woman and since I was very fashinated by her beauty, I stopped for a while just to contemplate her. I was so excited that I couldn't deprive myself of the pleasure of letting my lips brush the black and exciting hairs of her pubis for a few seconds. Then I covered her with the bathrobe, fastened her belt and left her bedroom.” I confessed to Brisella.
“I never imagined my cousin to be such a daring spy and pig. Anyway I thank you for your confession which perfectly explains my mother's perplexity about herself which last year she had spoken to me quite worried.” she said with a relaxing smile.
“Sorry Brisella, why do you smile and what are you referring to ?” I asked.
“Know that my mother had told me that maybe at her 50 years, she was starting to get seriously sick because one afternoon after her snap she had looked at herself in the mirror and realized that she had fastened her bathrobe belt contrariwise; the knot of her two-tone belt was on the contrary. Honestly her illogical mistake had worried me too but now I know it was you who fastened her belt, it's all clear.” she explained to me.
“I'm so sorry that through my fault Aunt Edda doubted herself and thought about the onset of some serious desease. I was convinced that I had fastened her belt correctly.” I said.
“No, you didn't, because both the bathrobe and the belt, are blue on one side and white on the other one. When you covered her you were so excited and afraid to wake her up that you forgot how the initial shape and direction of the knot were set. I'm sure that when you left her bedroom you ran to your room to wank your cock; am I wrong ?”
“Well, I actually entered the bathroom and locked the door; I undressed completely and while I smelled the panties that she had taken off I wrapped my cock into her wet towel and jerked my cock off. I was so excited that my cock cummed after some shake. I rinsed the cum-soaked part of that towel and washed my face and my cock drying myself with that same towel. I finally scrubbed morbidly her panties on my cock, got dressed and left the bathroom.” I confessed with a veil of shame.
“You mustn't be ashamed absolutely for what you did, on the contrary, I'm very pleased that she has thrilled you so much and that you've shown her your respect by smelling delicately and voluptuously her hairy bush. Since you also enjoyed by rubbing her panties on your cock, I'll provide you with one of her own pair of panties as soon as she has used them. Since you got excellent close-ups of her tits and even of her cunt, I suppose you'd have loved to caress and lick them very softly. Right ?” she said.
“Of course Brisella you're right, also because you sucked them too when she nursed you. I also liked a lot to stare at her beautiful cunt also because it was really amazing for me to admire the organ where you come from.” I said spontaneously.
Brisella fell silent for a few seconds and then she said :
“If I take into account that you also looked at my mother in that way and that in the drawers of your desk you keep a few objects of mine, which remind you of me, I only have to ask you if you fell in love with me. Right ?”
“Brisella, I really don't know. Please, believe me.” I said.
“I noticed that we got home you got very excited looking at my thighs and that you also enjoyed a lot massaging my feet.” she said.
“I'm sorry, I just tried to hide the erection of my cock from you.” I sadly said.
“I know that it was your intention but know that you don't have to apologise for something so natural. Let me tell you that the erection of the cock is the best gift a man can offer a woman. For this reason I really beg you not to be sad or ashamed anymore because of the erection of your cock for my sake. I feel so pleased and proud for making you so horny. Now relax and start taking off everything you are wearing because I need to watch you fully naked and the cock which I made stiffen; whereupon worship vehemently and slowly my feet. From now on I'll take care of your sexual well-being because isn't so healthy that you wank your cock too much. Since I believe that you have an urgent need to fuck a woman, this very night I'll let you fuck me. So go on and trust me.” she said.
At that point she lifted one leg so that while I worshipped her feet I could also contemplate the inside of her thighs and even her panties. I undressed and began to smell, caress, kiss and lick her feet and even sucked all of her toes. After devoting myself to worship for a while her legs she stood up and asked me to take off her skirt and her shirt slowly. When she was left with only her undergarments on, she took my cock into her hands and almost immediately my cock couldn't avoid cumming on her thigh.
“Why did you cum for so little ?” she asked with pleasant amazement.
“Sorry, I'm too sensitive and it wasn't my intention cumming so soon. I wanked a lot my cock to you imagining this moment which I thought never come true. I didn't even think to cum so soon but from the moment that I look at you wearing only your undergarments and holding so sweetly my cock into your hands, I couldn't avoid spraying my cum over your thigh.” I said.
Brisella answered me with a long and passionate kiss on the lips and continued saying :
“I didn't think you were so sensititve and lustful. I'm very pleased to have inspired you so many wanks and to attract you so much. I accep with great emotion this hot cum that your cock offered me and sprinkled on my thigh. I'll keep your cum on my thigh and I think it's good for us to go to your parent's bedroom right away because all we need is fucking. Theoretically the next time you should take longer to cum even because I need your cock to keep its strength and power longer so that I can enjoy at will.”
“Do you intend to fuck on my parent's bed ?” I asked her somewhat amazed.
“Sure, why not ? We need a large and comfortable bed because yours is too small for the two of us and among other things, now they're in their contry house and don't need this bed.”
“And if for some accidental reason they come back home this very night ?” I asked.
“Think carefully, it's already past midnight and I suppose they've also fucked. The relaxing song of the crickets will certainly have contributed to making them fall asleep harmoniously. Don't you think so ?”
“Brisella, I guess you're right but, as they say, you never know.”
“Well, in the event of any of their unplanned return home, they would run into two cousins, who, taken by their irrepressible and unquestionable desire to fuck, lie on their bed.” she said rather coldly.
“So, how do you think they'd react ?” I asked.
“I suppose that their best and most appropriate reaction would be to give both of us support, leave their home at our complete disposal and seek refuge in some hotel. So simple as this.” she answered.
“Ok Brisella, I agree with you. Let's go to their bedroom right away.”
“I'm glad you agree with my reasoning. Anyway, my congratulations for your cock which is still so hard despite its recent collapse. You'll see that we'll have a lot of fun.”
“Brisella, I absolutely don't doubt it and I want you to know how moved I feel living these unforgettable moments.”
“Me too, but now I want you to act as a true gentleman, so, lift me up on your arms and take to the bedroom.”
I obeyed her and when we entered the bedroom I took off her panties and her brassiere. I knelt at her feet and after having sweetly kissed her cunt, I lightly placed her on the bed. From the moment she noticed that was gazing excessively at the sight of her beautiful hairy cunt, she said :
“I realise that my cunt and my tits fascinates you a lot but before you start licking them I want and need you to worship every inch of my body starting from my feet without leaving to caress me with your hands. While you finally lick my clitoris and notice that I'm enjoying my first gorgeous orgasm sink immediately your cock into my cunt. At first, fuck me slowly and gradually more and more decisively and persistently. However tell me when you're about to reach your climax so that I too can be ready to reach it at your same time.”
I meticulously followed her suggestions and both of us enjoyed a lot fucking for long. Brisella took care of my cock in an almost flawless and sublime way and we delighted each other with some passionate 69. That very night I cummed twice and when in the late morning we woke up, we fucked one more time. After taking a morbid shower together, we went to the country house to spend the weekend. Brisella and her boyfriend were used to fuck frequently but since then, we got into the habit of fucking even thrice every week. Many times, being at home with other people, even family members, she always found a reason to seclude ourselves a bit in the garage because she wanted me to worship her feet and while she was stimulating her cunt I wanked my cock. I realised that Brissella needed and enjoyed too much the pleasure to get her feet sweetly worshipped and I always contented her to the delight of both of us. Although now Brisella is married and currently resides in a northern European country, she spends almost five months yearly in Italy in a house of her property and during her stay, we meet frequently and secretly fuck with the same enthusiasm and vehemence as our first time.
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good story
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