

It was the time of my life when I wanted to try something new, find out who I really was, make new friends maybe, so I joined the temp. agency. I was the oldest one there, not the usual age for a temp, all the others tended to be young, use it for what it was & then bugger off, not really finding out about the jobs or the people , not interested. I was considered quite unique both in the agency & the jobs, I liked that take it as a compliment, took my time to get to know the people & the jobs. I liked the variety, different people, different types of offices, different ways of doing accounts. Then this one changed that, felt different, meant far far more.
I was sent to a new job on a Monday, the girl in the office said she had picked this one especially for me, she knew I would like the boss, yeah right I thought bet the others just couldn't handle the work. I was shown to the office by a young guy, nice bloke but full of himself, plenty of chat, phone always in his hand, probably not quite as good as he thought he was. Told me the boss would be in soon, she was sorting a problem out.
" sorry" she said " new job, new troubles". I stand automatically really, force of habit. " I like a man with manners, makes a nice change". She shook my hand, firm for a woman but it was good, matched her confidence, looked me straight in the eyes, she oozed natural sexiness, I was fascinated by her from that first second. Delicious figure, curvy, breasts so full & so shapely, dressed in black skirt & top showed her off with class. Can't help notice her fingers & mouth, two things I have a real thing for, her mouth was beautiful, she was wearing lip gloss as well. Tried not to stare, concentrate on what she was saying. He got my attention though, what she had to say was interesting & very honest, I was feed up of the bullshit of today but she was the complete opposite. Told me she was new here, wanted to set things up her way, didn't want time wasters or people out for themselves, thought we would get on well, liked someone who looked at her was she was talking ,took an interest.
God I was that, in the job & my her quite frankly.
I was introduced to the others, she had a meeting to go to, she would check later how I was getting on. She was right about them, the younger ones on their mobile phones a lot, the others just doing what they had to, not really joining in, not helping just getting out of the day what they wanted. At 5pm, they all left on the dot, I was slowly getting ready to leave, " it's nice to see someone taking their time, not rushing" she said. My mind worked overtime straight away, she just had that aria about her, she was different, natural, so honest, so easy to chat, but there was something else, something I couldn't put my finger on. We chatted for a while, life, friends, family anything really, nearly missed the train I was so engrossed in her.
Over the next couple of days I wake up early, yes she was on my mind, lodged there, went in early, stayed late just so he could chat to her, she seemed to like it to, found out a lot about each other, past jobs, experiences in life, what they shared, but I always had a feeling there was something else. Some mornings or during the day her face was flushed, made her look even more attractive, but why ? One time she came out of the office, walked past me, her walking different but sexy, the cheeks of her shapely arse pushed together, could it be he thought, no it's not possible, but why did she turn round, make sure I had noticed.In the afternoon of the Wednesday, she came into the general office, asked if anybody wanted to go for a meal after work on the Friday, nothing special just a get together, she made sure I & the others knew I was invited. Of course the ribbing started start away from all of them, "oh the boss likes you then old man", " fancy a bit of milf do you" " the quiet curvy type suits you then". Listen I replied you lot have no idea what a real woman is, what natural sexiness is, how erotic she is, & she not big she's curvy, to much of a woman for all of you. Which of course made them worse especially when the next minute she called me into her office, " I'm off site tomorrow, could I take your mobile number , just in case I need anything" I'm an old fart, wrote it down for her, as I handed it to her our fingers touched, she said " thank you, in these few days I have come totrust you completly, that's rare", suddenly I felt naked, exposed, but very turned on, was it touching her or what she said, shit I was erect, the effect immediate. She smiled, sure she knew " I'll be back Friday, we can relax then, I'm going early to get to the site for tomorrow, have fun tonight " & then she was gone leaving me with my erection & a very racing mind, im I just imagining this ?
Ok, my second confession now, I have an account on an adult web site, just needed to get home & to be honest relieve myself watching one of the videos , my cock was aching, needed to cum, to clear my head, to relax, make me think straight. I logged on as soon as I got back, there was a friends request waiting, don't get many so I clicked on it straight away, her avatar was a photo of her back, so sexy in a body suit with lots of straps, delicious curvy body, so damn erotic I was hooked from that moment. Her galleries & her own videos needed passwords, but her favourite posted galleries were a delightful mix of sensual couples & light BDSM, women tied in various positions being teased & pleasured by their men. So horny that I was soon carried away to a world of stroking myself, suddenly the images of woman's bosses mouth & fingers flooded my thoughts, her delicious curvy body & breasts, her erect nipples, & her pussy dying to be tasted, I came with a groan, my sperm soaking my hand & balls, shooting all over my belly, I hadn't cum that hard or long for ages, it was for her.
After I had regained my breath & cleaned the wonderful mess up, my mind was clear enough to read her profile properly, noticed the status said ' the quiet curvy ones are the best', no stop I thought you are just putting 2 & 2 together & making 500, my cock ruling my brain, then it changed 'To read, ' love it when men watch my lips & fingers' , then she was quickly offline again, this time 2 and 2 made 5 million. I had to stop thinking like this, get some sleep stop being stupid.
The next day at work was boring, so my mind just slipped into thinking about her, was it all my imagination or was I just wanting her so much, I would make anything fit. It was late afternoon before I was knocked out of my stuper by my mobile going off. It was her asking if I could look for something in the bottom right hand draw of her desk. Damn even her voice was sexy, went to the draw but it was locked, ' sorry meant the second one down, there should be the name of the restaurant & the head waiter for tomorrow, I just need to ring him', read the information to her, but told her there was the word secretary written down as well. ' opps' she replied ' that's a password that's not even for anything at work, good job I trust you, I better go, I'm looking forward to tomorrow, it will be nice to chat with an older man, bye'. She was laughing at the end,
It sounded delicious. Bet you can guess how my warped dirty mind works my now, was she trying to tell me something, so yes I went home & straight away tried that password on the profiles gallery & video, nothing worked, any combination, backwards, forwards, lower or upper case, told myself to stop being a dick head, just go to bed. Big mistake, just dreamt of her, white wet top, clinging to her body, her mouth & lips, her fingers posing a dildo deep inside her. I woke up, hard & wet pre-cum leaking from me, had to cum, the avatar, that would finish me imaging cumming on her gorgeous arse,but it had changed to a stunning looking full large breast, the nipple so hard & gorgeous with a nipple clamp on, so erotic. The status now said ' the oblivious doesn't always work, it's what you don't see that is sexy, looking beyond for the answer'. Was I still over thinking all of this, I had seen the film Secretary, about BDSM, a woman was spanked over a work desk in it, the password was in her desk, the bottom draw locked, was that the answer, in desperation I typed in the password box ' desk bottom draw' , my heart skipped a beat it worked, the pictures were there, & just how I had dreamt of them as well, a white wet top, her nipples showing though so large & hard, the dildo, her fingers stroking her bottom lip, and others, bodysuits so erotic & sexy, nipple clamps attached to a collar, her delicious wet pussy, God it must be her, I was right, my head was swimming, I just can't believe it, my cock was dribbling I was so excited. I came in a few strokes the pictures on slideshow, shooting so hard & long again, I was soaked, I had to shower, I might as well go to work, I couldn't concentrate on anything here, why was I so nervous, nothing would happen, she had her pick of anybody, relax you fool, what we be will be.
I was the first there it was still early, people started to drift in, chatting about the do tonight, joking who was going to try to pull who, but no boss yet, kept looking at the door still nervous. Then one of the younger girls came over, the boss has been on the phone, she been delayed at the other site, she will be in later, said she tried to contact you but you must have been busy, she was laughing when she said it, I couldn't see the joke myself. Cheers I said, I was blushing god knows why surely she counldnt have known about what happened this morning, this is one big mind fuck.
The rest of the day was filled with work & the constant chit chat still of who wanted who , where when & how, all talk & no action I bet, the drink that evening taking to much effect, the favourite of the guys seemed to be the girl that had the shortest skirt & biggest tits, lots of make up, loved herself probably more than the sex. The boss didn't come in until three, she just looked gorgeous, simply laced dress with a white belt, so classy, yes I felt horny just can't help it. She said hello & went straight to her office got on with her work.
At 4:30 she came out, chatty & smiling, sharing jokes with everybody, asking all if they were looking forward to after work, quite frankly I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. Saw me looking & came over "all ok I hope" she asked " boys & girls looking to have a good time tonight" she joked, " that's what they think, if they can stand at the end " I replied. She laughed " true, I KNOW i will have a great time" looked me straight in the eyes, why do I feel naked when she does that and very hard as well, this is really going to happen. God I wanted her so much.
At last 5pm came, walked to the restaurant as a crowd, on the way she asked me to get what everybody wanted to drink & met her at the bar. " I'm very glad you worked the password out" she said " really know the real me, but I think you know that anyway, the way you look at me. Please sit next to me at dinner." Then she went & mingled with the others, it was amazing to stand & just watch her, The way she moved just the way is was.
We were called for the meal, at last a chance to be next to her, opposite was the girl all the guys were after, flanked by two guys on heat, she loved it , flirted outrageously. We didn't have to make a lot of conversation, it was just sexy being next to her listening to the banter, our feet & legs touching, both knowing the pleasure to come, the inevitable." Poor buggers, they have no change," she said " teasing is such fun, but there has to be an end result" looking me straight in the eyes, our hands on each other's thighs, her skin feeling amazing, she knew I was hard, started to gently squeeze my cock, my hand returning the pressure on her upper thigh, I could feel the heat from her pussy, she turned away chatting to one of the guys but kept stroking, God this was delicious. We were interpreted by the food, small talk was difficult, I just wanted her, take her on the table I didn't care, " having to wait is erotic as well,holding back it builds the tension, the ending" she whispered to me. " In that case, I think you should prepare yourself" I replied " I'ave been planning how to make you cum for days".
This was just delightful the playing of each other, it continued after the meal, the brushing past each other, the fleeting touch of the hand, pushing our backs together while we chatted to others, reaching back to feel her shapely arse, her legs opening to help me & yes the tension was certainly building, she was wet, I was hard, it had to be soon.
Noticed the young girl who was in love with herself was leaving, picked up my her boyfriend, flash car, cocky attitude, all the other guys pissed off, of course calling them both all the names they could think of. Take my chance as she was alone at last, " shame, those guys couldn't recognise a real woman if she hit them in the face, you on the other hand are just totally amazing, that profile is you isn't it ", she smiled & nodded, " and I'm very glad you found it " she replied. " we have a lot to find out about each other". " but it has to be now " I said maybe too desparately " I can't wait a second longer I want you so much, to have you, you have done your bit, brought us this far, now it's my turn to control things, to take charge."
" That's what I want to, meet me in my office in 10 minutes, I will be waiting" she turned said her goodbyes & left. A waited as long as I could, hoped no one noticed the throbbing bulge in my trousers, said my goodbyes as well, turned not to run to the office, my erection would let me anyway.
Thank god there was no security guard, take the lift to her office, all the shutters were down on the glass partitions, my hand was shaking when I turned the handle, she was sitting facing the door, the light from a lamp on the desk made her look even more beautiful, so sexy. " stand please" I said, taking her hand to help her up. " no more taking now" as I pressed my finger against her lips. A poor excuse to touch them I know but I had to, moved my fingers to run along her lower lip , she wetted them & herself with her tongue & then my god she took them into her mouth& sucked the whole length her tongue played with them her lips on my knuckles , looking straight at me, I nearly came there & then, Jesus she was amazing. Kissed her so gently barely touching, her head pushed towards me , I pulled away, told her wait, turn around first.
Slowly pulled the zip of her dress down all the way, watching her neck, my breath on her, seeing her breathing getting heavier. Took it off her shoulders, feeling her skin for the first time was just electric, she helped as I took it all the way to the floor & elegantly stepped out of it. Her whole back was so shapely so curves, she was wearing stockings with a garter belt, how much more could I be turned on. I kissed my way up your legs until I got the the bare skin at the top of her thighs, stopped to stare for a brief second then kissed & bite her gently, she shivered as I started to feast on her, squeezing the cheeks of her arse though her silk pants, she felt so delicious. I had to go higher feel all of her, loved the shape of your back the dip of the spine, kissed & licked though it until I was standing, I unclipped her bra easing the straps from her shoulders until it dropped to the floor, I take one last look at her, to savour without touching, knew after that there would be no holding back, the passion to great. Hand her hands with mine, whispered in her ear " you are truly beautiful ", her hand squeezed mine " take me, what's in the draw is yours to do what you want with".
" when I'm ready" I replied, lifting your arms so I could reach forward to cup her breasts, so full, so soft, the nipples all ready hard. Her head tilted back to mine, kissed her so deeply so passionately our tongues playing, I could feel her moan as my thumb & fingers pinched her nipples & squeezed her breasts harder. Her arsed pushed back against the bulge in my trousers, I was hard enough as it was, I was now wet my precum leaking. The sensations were building, both of us in the sheer moment of pleasure our bodies against each other's at last, her hand moving back to squeeze me, God I was close, but I couldn't cum yet, I break the embrace, turned her round to face me. Sat on her chair her glorious breasts in front of my face, watched as my hands played with the soft full flesh, they felt so wonderfully heavy, brushed your hard nipples with my fingers, I had to taste. My tongue flicking the end of one, just lightly at first, I could feel her watching, her hands on the back of my head as I circled my tongue around your nipple. Took it in my mouth & sucked hard driven on my her moaning & her hands pushing me onto her. The passion rising again, I was sucking biting, squeezing , consuming her, her hands pushing my head so hard, her kissing it. Broke away again, both of us panting, pulled her panties to the floor, I had to see her.
Just so delicious, a real woman, hair on the top shaved underneath, now is the time I had to taste her. Stand up, kissed her, told her to lie on the desk. Moved forward to admire her beauty her sheer womaness, I was staring I couldn't help it. Reached down to undo my zip, reached in to take my cock out, it was so hard, so wet dripping in fact. I could feel your eyes on my, " that's how beautiful I think you are " I said. She smiled " that's the best compliment a man can give a woman " she gasped.
Pulled the chair forward so I could sit between your legs, her pussy looked so wet so willing. I wanted to make her wait that moment longer. Suddenly thought of the draw, I had to look. It was simply a treasure chest of erotic pleasure, dildos, a wand, a silver butt plug and small nipples clamps, what a woman, who would have guessed, she was amazing. My mind full of the pleasure to come, but first I had to taste her, my fingers opened the lips of your wet pussy, she shivered as my finger ever so gently stroked her clit, she softly gasped, felt her swell, bent forward, my tongue circling it, her hands on my head again, willing me on as her pussy pushed against my mouth, she tasted amazing. Run my tongue & mouth the length of her pussy spreading her juices, God she was flowing, her hands helping the motion of my head, knew she wanted me to lick your arse to get her ready. I reached into the draw & find the silver metal butt plug,deliciously cold to the touch, she jumped as I rubbed the end against her clit & then pushed a little way inside her, making sure it was well lubricated before teasing your arse. She was ready, pushed against it, the signal plain. Slowly it went in, such an erotic sight, her moans telling me how good it felt. I had to continue the pleasure, true turned my mouth to her clit, sucking hard my tongue flicking her clit, her hips began to arch & push against me, her hands forcing my mouth onto her. She was on the edge gasping, quickly took the big red dildo pushed it inside her, deep as it could go, trusting hard & fast, her whole body moving, arching, thrusting, her groans & breathing so fast. Then it happened. Her body became rigid, her pussy flooded with her juices, she screamed, her fingers pulling at my hair, the force was just incredible, we were in another world. The only thing there was her orgasm, the sound, the taste, the feel. I had to feel that from the inside, I just couldn't stop myself, had to be a part if her.
Took the dildo out, pushed my cock deep inside her, felt how wet see was, looking at her gorgeous face, her beautiful mouth, open & gasping, she was sucking & licking her own fingers, just yet another truly erotic sight. I started to trust as her legs still shaking wrapped around my back, one hand squeezing your boobs & pinching her nipples, God she was wonderful. I could feel her building again, I had to feel her lips, bent to kiss her, " please don't cum, not yet, I want that my way" she gasped, as ours mouths met, kissing passionately, our moans on our tongues. Hers as so came again, felt her pussy tighten around me, her hands clawing my back her body shaking again. My moans as I held back, it was torture, but glorious, amazing, pleasurable torture, feeling as I was going to burst, my cock never feeling so full & alive as this.
We clung together as her orgasm subsided, kissing, playing with each other's lips, my fingers again tracing the line of her lower lip. " I taste good" she said smiling, reaching for the dildo, she sucked it so sensually, watching as I stared, then kissed me sharing her cum. " Now I want yours, sit in the chair". I pulled away, started to unbutton my shirt, " no leave it all on, I like it like that. Just sit".
Sitting in the chair watching as her beautiful eased from the desk, her full breasts swaying so delightful, her turn to reach into the draw, pulled out a black dildo, bigger than the other one, complete with balls & a suction base & placed it on the floor in front of me. She stand in front of me, so I could savour her body again, flushed this time, her pussy so wet & dripping, it mirrored my cock which she was staring at.
Her hands rested on my shoulders, her lips lightly pressed against mine, felt the mouth come from her mouth as she feed the tip of the dildo inside herself, raised gently & lowered again but further this time, kissing me gently her mouth just open, our tongues playing, just so sexy as she took it all, gasping & letting out breath each glorious bit at I time. As the last bit disappeared she gasped loudly " God, I love being stretched, I have wanted this & your cock for days".
She bent her head to very gently lick the end of my cock, it twitched to finally feel her mouth at last. A trail of precum from the head to the tip of my tongue, she looked up at me making sure our eyes made contact, how many more sheer erotic sights can I see in one night. Her hand on my shaft as her mouth slowly covered my head, sucking on it, her tongue circling it, flicking into the eye, so very sensual. Licked & kissed with her delicious lips down my cock, finally sucking on my balls in turn, I was doing everything not to cum. Took me in her mouth again further this time, the sucking harder, back up to the head so I could see how wet she was making me, see your delicious lips open.
Further & further each time, I had to trust up to met her, I cannot help, it was automatic, my body hers not mine. Then she stopped, the whole length in her mouth the end in her throat, her lips on my body her spit running down my balls, gagging softly, my hands on the back of her head, forcing her down, my head back in pleasure, seemed for ever she devoured me, my balls twitched, I was cumming. Suddenly her mouth was gone, I looked down she was looking up again, god her lips kissing the end of my cock, dribble of cum oozing out, on the end & on her lips.
I could see her rise & fall on the dildo, hear her pussy, wet with that amazingly sexy squishy sound. "Please. Now. Make us both cum. Please." I said half gasping, half pleading.
Her mouth fall on me, sucking down my shaft, her fingers gripping me stroking up, meeting her mouth, both hard & fast. My hands on the back of her head, pushing her head down to meet my trusts up, there would be no stopping the time, my balls swelled, my cock twitched & then I simply exploded, my cum shooting in her beautiful mouth, squirting into her throat, I last count of how many times, I didn't care, flooded her, groaning my legs straight, felt her tense, groaning , hands digging into my thighs, the orgasm coursing her body. Both disappearing into that world of sheer pleasure again. Knew that it that moment I wanted this now & all the time, explore all that is pleasure with her. Looked down to to see her mouth on my cock, she opens her lips so my cum flows down, covering her hand, my shaft, my balls. So erotic, so giving, my hand stroking your hair & face. All that I thought about her proved right in that moment, she was the sexiest woman I had ever met & known, knew that this was the start not the end, the start of something special, the start of finding out all about her, what she wanted what she desired, know that I would never deny her any pleasure, know that her pleasure was my pleasure & vice versa.
The adventures would continue.....
द्वारा प्रकाशित Justaguy2016
10 महीने पूर्व
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