365 – New Girl In School Part 3

“Can we have the last bit of pizza daddy?” Emma asked as I loosely tied my robe and cleared up the empty boxes, “Of course you can, oh and Nikki, how did you like Emma’s room?” I replied as the girls sat down to finish off their supper, Nikki looked up at me with smiling eyes, I could see her shirt was unbuttoned a little showing off her lovely cleavage and the top of her bra, “Oh it’s very nice sir, you have a nice home sir” she replied with a giggle adding, “Maybe I can come for a sleepover, Emma’s a lovely girl sir” and I don’t think they knew that I could hear their antics from downstairs.. “Of course Nikki, we’d both love that wouldn’t we Ems?” I said giving them a cheeky grin and Emma who had a mouthful of pizza nodded her head..

“She was a strange girl that Sam wasn’t she daddy, had lots of stories to tell” Emma said with a giggle as she swallowed her mouthful and I had to laugh, “Yeah, a bit weird I have to say, do you know her well?” I asked as I got the dustpan and brush out of the cupboard as I noticed some mess on the floor and Emma looked up at me, “Not really daddy, she’s not in my class but I heard she’s a bit of a goody two shoes and a sandwich short of a picnic” she said which made us all laugh but my assessment of Samantha was pretty much the same..

I got down on my knees and started to clean up the mess and happened to glance under the table at the girls and could see Emma had her hand on Nikki’s bare thigh and it soon became obvious that Nikki had omitted to put her panties back on and Emma’s hand was getting mighty close to her stiff erection which had pushed her skirt up and what was interesting was that they didn’t realise I could see, Emma widened her legs so that I could reach across with the brush, “Are you alright down there daddy” she said with a faint giggle as I crawled closer to sweep up, “Oh yeah, I’m fine, you just finish off your supper” I said excitedly as I watched her hand moving up Nikki’s leg towards her man bits..

“Sorry for the mess daddy, can you see alright, do you want us to move?” she asked as I inched closer to their open legs and as I focused my eyes on Emma’s panties I could clearly see a damp stain proving that my assumption was correct..

“No it’s fine babygirl, you just stay as you are, I can see perfectly and don’t worry about the mess, accidents happen don’t they Nikki" I said with a chuckle as I saw Emma’s fingers wrap around her friends erect penis.. “Oooh yes.. um.. I mean yes they do sir” Nikki replied in a soft voice feeling Emma’s hand on her cock..

“I think you’d better take your panties off Emma; they look like they could do with a good wash” I said as I took a closer look between her legs and I could see that her left hand was quite busy playing with Nikki.. “Oh alright daddy, could you help me with that, I’m kinda busy” she replied excited that she’d found a different kind of girl and didn’t want to stop playing so I reached out pushing my hands up her skirt and as she lifted up her arse I was able to pull her panties down her legs and quickly noticed the state of the leakage on the in inside of her gusset.. “So sorry daddy” she mumbled as I pulled them over her feet, “Oh wow, they are a bit messy, but that’s ok sweetheart” I said reassuringly as I raised them to my face taking a deep sniff of the mixed juices that had accumulated.. I could feel Nikki’s cum on my face and as I saw her hand reach down to Emma’s thigh I decided to run a taste test and started to lick the residue off, I have to say the taste was rather good..

Nikki moved her hand up Emma’s thigh and I could see her fingers moving into her dark pink puffy labia causing Emma to moan softly.. “What are you two doing there?” I asked pretending I didn’t know what they were up to and I got a very guilty response.. “Oh Um.. nothing daddy, are you done cleaning up” she stammered back and right in front of my eyes I could see her jacking off her new friend with some gusto..

“Good, try not to make more mess then especially on Nikki’s skirt or I’ll have to wash all your clothes and Nikki would have to stay the night” I replied sensing that Nikki wasn’t far from losing another load and I think my comment seemed to spur her on a bit as her hand seemed to move faster..

Emma’s groans got louder as Nikki’s fingers found her sweet spot and as she circled her finger around her stiffening clit I could hear her breathing increasing very quickly and I knew that any ejaculation at this point would clearly mess up her skirt but I want going to stop them as I really wanted to see the spunk shooting out, we can worry about the clean up later.. “Oh yes, god yes Emma, oh that’s so nice.. yes.. YESSSS!!” she mumbled trying to keep her voice down and right at that point I saw her hot creamy white spunk flying out the tip and with her skirt covering her the majority of it splattered against the inside, I knew it wasn’t going to end well and if that wasn’t enough her finger actions soon brought Emma off to a shuddering climax which she was struggling to keep secret as her juices squirted out with again, most of it landing on her skirt.. looks like I’m gonna have some washing to do..

“Oops, oh shit.. I think I’ve had an accident sir” Nikki said with a giggle as Emma slowly moved her hand away and I could see it was covered in Nikki’s spunk.. “Oh really, well it happens honey, no need to worry.. it’s easily sorted out” I said as I looked at her cock softening and still dribbling onto her dark pleated skirt..

I could hear them giggling above me as Nikki pulled her hand away having given Emma an orgasm and I decided that I’d better get this washing on before it all dried, I got myself up from under the table and it didn’t go unnoticed how much their brazen masturbation show had turned me on..

I stood next to them looking down at their dishevelled clothing.. “How bad is it girls?” I asked and they both lifted up their skirts showing their discharges and giving me a cheeky smile.. “Oh that’s bad, you two are so naughty.. right, let’s get these clothes off and get them in the washing machine” I said with a grin as I walked over to the washer opening up the door, “I think it’s best you take everything off girls, best to get it all clean” I said as I watched them both start to undo the buttons on their shirts…

My cock was pulsing at the sight as Emma’s shirt came off first showing off her developing bee stings and as she handed me her shirt I put it into the washer while I watched Nikki’s come off, her well-developed breasts were heaving in her half cut bra and as I put her shirt in the washer she unhooked her bra letting those bad boys free, both Emma and I looked at her perky breasts with nipples like bullets… “Wow Nikki, you got nice tits” Emma said as she reached around the back to unzip her skirt, “Thank you babe” Nikki replied as Emma’s skirt hit the floor leaving her totally naked, I bent down to pick up her skirt looking directly at her developing bush and I could see out the corner of my eye that Nikki’s skirt was beginning to rise at the front, she looked a bit hesitant as she reached around to unfasten her skirt…

Finally she let it fall to the floor and we both looked in amazement at her semi hard penis and as she handed me her skirt I looked at the inside to see that her latest discharge was beginning to dry, luckily we caught it in time and I was hopeful that with a quick wash it would be good as new..

They both stood nervously as I set up the washing cycle and I couldn’t help but notice Emma subtly looking down at her new friend’s man bits which seemed to be growing.. “Can Nikki stay over please daddy, she can sleep with me, I don’t mind daddy” Emma said almost begging and with time cracking on I knew it would be late before the wash had completed so it made sense, “I think that makes sense Emma as long as Nikki doesn’t mind” I said which made my daughter smile, “Oh I don’t mind sir, I better let my mother know though” Nikki replied as she picked up her phone to send her mother a text message.. “All done” she said smiling as she sent the text and put her phone down waiting for a reply..

“So we have to go bed now daddy, can we watch a bit of telly” Emma asked excitedly and it seemed they felt quite comfortable being naked, “Yeah, but you may as well stay like that for now, you can put your nightshirt on when you go to bed” I said back with excitement in my voice as we all made our way into the lounge, I let them lead the way so that I could look at their lovely arses and I have to say that Nikki’s arse was perfectly female, fleshy and nicely shaped, they giggled at the entered the lounge and headed for the sofa with Emma grabbing the remote.. “Shall I sit with you girls.. come on.. budge up” I said as they sat down making some room for me to sit in the middle and as I sat down I noticed that Nikki’s penis was now at full erection and my own erection was pushing up inside my robe loosening the tie, “This is nice isn’t it girls, what shall we watch?” I said as I squeezed in the middle of them putting my arms around both of them, Emma smiled.. “Oooh I like cuddle nights” she said as both of them put their heads on my shoulder and both had their hands on the lower part of my thighs.. “Yeah.. I don’t get this at home Ems, it’s nice” Nikki said as some nature documentary came on the screen..

The sound of David Attenborough’s soothing voice set a nice atmosphere as I knew Emma liked nature documentary’s and it appeared that Nikki was interested too and with all our eyes glued to the screen I could feel their hands slowly moving up my thighs and my robe was getting looser and looser and with my arms around their shoulders it was a comfortable situation, my legs were subtly being pulled apart and it seemed that they were having a subconscious race to the top..

I pulled Nikki closer and my hand slipped down her chest grabbing her perky breast and she giggled as I gave it a squeeze feeling her stiff nipple in my palm and at that moment I felt a hand grabbing my penis, she brought her free hand up and placed it on top of mine.. “Oooh sir, was that an accident” she said giggling as I felt her hands running up squeezing my cock.. “Um.. yeah sorry Nikki, it was about as accidental as my robe falling open” I said laughing as Emma pulled my robe open displaying my bits for both of them to see.. “Oooh daddy, you got a nice boner” Ems said as they both looked down at my throbbing penis and gave each other a mischievous look.. “We like your boner sir, it’s bigger than mine” Nikki said jokingly and if I’m honest she had nothing to be ashamed of as her boner stood loud and proud..

She was holding my cock quite firmly as Emma’s hand cupped my balls and using a bit of gentle persuasion I pulled Emma down and her head slipped down my exposed chest as my hand ran down the back of her body and it wasn’t long before I felt her tongue circling my exposed helmet as Nikki pulled the foreskin back.. “Oooh that looks so nice sir, I think Emma likes that” Nikki said excitedly not quite knowing the sexual relationship I had with my daughter and as her free hand moved down she started to gently rub her own cock until Emma moved her hand from my balls reaching across to help Nikki who was also gently wanking me off into Emma’s mouth.. it felt so good…

Emma was so excited having two cocks to play with and didn’t seem freaked out at all with one of those cocks being on a girl, I’m sure I’ll get lots of questions about it but right now I was enjoying the ride.. “Daddy, how about we get on the floor.. I’d like us to get on the floor daddy” she said pulling up from my cock and I couldn’t refuse her request and wondered what she had in mind, she was getting quite inventive so I got up and laid down on the floor looking up at her whispering something in Nikki’s ear, Nikki seemed excited by whatever she told her and then they both got up and Nikki knelt down above my head giving me a lovely close view of her swollen balls and throbbing erection.. “Mmm, you look good daddy” Emma sighed softly as she walked over and getting onto her knees either side of my head, I looked up at her dark pink labia lips which seemed to be coming down towards my head..

I figured out that maybe if I lubricated her arsehole then Nikki might take advantage of the situation and as she lowered herself onto my face she reached out and started to play with my cock.. I reached up grabbing her arse cheeks and as I pulled them apart my tongue made a bee line for her dark shaded hole, I could see Nikki waiting patiently gently rubbing her penis while I softened up her hole.. “Oh this is so hot guys” Nikki said excitedly as I prepared my daughter for her arse fuck, her had started to lower down and it wasn’t long before she was licking and sucking my manhood and keeping a close eye on proceedings Nikki then inched forward into position guiding her swollen helmet towards Emma waiting hole..

My tongue diverted down to her wet pussy and an inch above my head I saw Nikki’s cock pushing against her dripping sphincter.. “Emma mumbled something which with her mouth full of cock I couldn’t understand and as I watched Nikki’s cock slowly entering her I was getting so excited, I certainly did t want to cum just yet as watching Nikki thrusting back and forth going deeper her balls were resting on my face slightly obscuring my view but the sight of Emma’s arsehole stretching to accommodate her was a sight to behold..
The harder Nikki thrust the harder Emma sucked on my cock and with my tongue exploring her moistening minge and we had quite a rhythm going on and as I flicked around her growing clit she was starting to lose control of her body which was shaking and rocking, it didn’t take her long to cum and her sweet juices running down my throat was being me to the edge and I just wanted to hold it a little bit longer as Nikki’s increased breathing told me she wasn’t far away either, it would be so nice to cum together and give my pretty little daughter an experience she’d never had before..

Nikki’s balls were really banging against my head as she neared her climax and I was quickly losing control and with my nose rubbing the underside of her rampant piston the magic happened and with loud grunts ringing around the room I could feel her cock pulsating on my nose as she filled Emma’s arse with her hot creamy juice, that was enough for me and in a split second I was feeling my own jizz shooting down her throat, there was a lot of mumbling going on as both Nikki and me emptied our sacs into my hungry daughter..
Things soon came to a halt as we all tried to catch our breaths however with Emma’s cunt firmly placed on my face it was extremely difficult for me especially as she started to lick my softening cock clean, Nikki was still deep inside her arsehole giving me a close up memory I don’t think I’ll ever forget and it took a good few minutes for us to regain some sort of composure..

As Emma finally dismounted Nikki’s softened penis flopped down onto my face and I couldn’t resist just licking the last few drops of her cum from the tip.. “Wow daddy, that was awesome, don’t forget the washing” she said still excited by her ordeal and to be honest I’d totally forgotten.. “Oh right, yeah.. you two go up and get into bed, I’ll sort this out and come tuck you in” I said as I slowly got to my feet and I could see that they were both dog tired.. “Ok daddy, goodnight” Emma said as she gave me a lingering kiss goodnight and I could still taste my cum on her lips, “Can I get a kiss good night too sir” Nikki asked as she moved closer and how could I refuse as our lips met and straight away I could feel her tongue pushing between my lips, so soft and sensual, it was a nice kiss.. “Goodnight girls” I said as they made their way up the stairs with me standing at the bottom looking up at their lovely wiggling arses..

I put the clothes in the dryer and cracked open a beer, it had been a good day and at least Nikki had found a friend in Emma and I knew she would help her settle in her new school although personally once word gets around about the addition between her legs I’m sure she’ll have no problems making friends if I knew the girls at school, shower time would be fun..

It was dead quiet apart from the whirling of the dryer, not even a squeaky bedspring so I knew the girls were asleep and when the dryer finally finished I carefully folded their clothes and headed upstairs and as I entered Emma’s room I could see in the moonlight they were dead to the world, Nikki was laying on her back and Emma was cuddled up beside her with her arm over her, the thin summer sheet barely covered their naked bodies, I put the clothes down and stood admiring them for a few minutes until the mischievous side of me took over..

I walked over to the bed and stood at the end looking at four cute legs poking out the bottom of the sheet, Nikki’s were apart and Emma had one leg over her, I gently lifted up the sheet until I could see the beauty of Nikki’s soft penis hanging over to one side, her balls looked like they were recharging for the day ahead and I have to admit that she was rather well endowed for a girl of her age and even in the flaccid state it was something she should be proud of, I could feel myself getting a chubby just looking at it and for a minute I even questioned my own sexuality, I loved pussy too much to be gay but there was nothing wrong with enjoying a nice penis from time to time and Nikki certainly had a nice penis..

I walked around her side of the bed after resting the sheet on her belly and got down on my knees to get a better and closer look at her flaccid member that was lying to the side pointing at me, there was no movement and the girls were fast asleep, I just couldn’t resist leaning forward and gently licking her creamy soft shaft looking for a reaction which I didn’t get so knowing she was deep in the land of nod I decided to lick again running my tongue down to her balls and as I gently flicked my tongue I felt slight movement as her little cock woke up and moved slightly..

I raised myself up and reaching my hand forward took hold and gently eased the foreskin back to expose her soft helmet, it looked so cute that I lowered my head down taking it into my mouth flicking my tongue around the tip, I could definitely sense so growth as my expert tongue got to work, there’s no better feeling than a lovely cock stiffening in your mouth, an experience I hadn’t had many of..
I applied some gentle suction as my saliva ran out of my mouth and slowly moved my head up and down as she grew bigger and bigger in my mouth, suddenly a hand came up and lay on top of my head, “Oh yes daddy, suck me daddy.. oh you love it don’t you” she murmured and thinking that she’d woken up and with her growing cock still in my mouth I turned my head towards her, her eyes were shut tight which led me to believe that she was dreaming of her daddy sucking her off, that made me more excited and as her fingers ran gently through my hair I started work with the thought of her daddy performing oral on his daughter..

“God you’re good daddy, better than Uncle Graham.. yeah daddy.. suck it” she murmured and I thought ‘wtf, her whole family wants her dick’ which spurred me on no end, I was giving her one of the best blow jobs I’ve ever given and she was rock hard, I didn’t want this to end..

I teased her a lot running my mouth down her shaft to her balls taking her little nuts in my mouth feeling them filling up ready for her volcanic eruption and all the time she’s mumbling about her daddy giving out little secrets.. “OMG daddy, don’t stop, mummy never stops, don’t stop daddy.. oh god yeah, that’s so good grandad” she mumbled as I teased her gonads and ran my tongue back up her slippery shaft thinking that she’s now mentioned her mother and her grandad.. WTF!!

I can believe it too as she was pretty unique and I was enjoying this magnificent cock as probably all her family, close friends and probably a few neighbours have enjoyed, Nikki was truly a slut and I wasn’t complaining one bit as I slopped and slurped around her princess wand…

I don’t know what was going on in her subconscious but her gentle thrusting into my mouth was very pleasant and with all her mumblings I was pleased that Emma was a heavy sleeper..
“Yes daddy, you love my cock don’t you.. yeah daddy, suck it dry” she mumbled as her breathing increased and her body started to tense up, a telltale sign of what was to cum.. literally!!

She didn’t hold back either and with muffled cries of “OH YES DADDY” I felt her hot creamy cum shooting into my mouth and I had to swallow like I was downing a pint in one to keep up with her flow, damn it was so refreshing as her spunk slid down my throat I could feel her body starting to relax.. “Mmmmmmmmm” she mumbled as I sucked the last drops out of her softening cock and for a minute I thought she’d woken up but her eyes remained tightly shut.. “Goodnight daddy” she mumbled as she caught her breath.. “Goodnight Nikki” I replied softly as I crept away and into my own bedroom..

The morning was a lot of hustle and bustle as me and two teenage girls fought for the bathroom so I just sat naked on my bed watching them both running back and forth in various stages of undress doing what teenagers do, it was quite comical really and it made me wonder what the other students in school went through in the mornings to make them look as beautiful as they do..
I was waiting to see if Nikki would mention anything about last night but she didn’t however she did give me a few teasing glances so I have no idea if she’s just being flirty or knew exactly what happened, not that she’d mind if she did know..

I really hoped she settles in school as I think she’s a lot of fun plus Emma likes her a lot, I could tell by the way they looked at each other…
द्वारा प्रकाशित britguy
2 महीने पूर्व
टिप्पणियाँ पोस्ट करने के लिए कृपया या करें
think you will have to check next time and see if she is a daddies girl here hope
जवाब दें
I'm hoping that you get to play with Nikki s family. 
जवाब दें
You and the "girls" make me hard!
जवाब दें
Loving this xx
जवाब दें
Dam these stories get me hard
जवाब दें