Free Material and Tools for Xhamster

► Xhamster Tips about Change made in Xhamster code:

It seems we have a problem with the edit of the blog???

Now, it seems not possible to post an image.
That's because they close the upload of image (only "Verified" users can post images)
>> Bug report (2022.02):
When you post for the first time, it don't add an empty line between iframe (e.g a Video).
But, if you re-edit your Blog (Without changing something or e.g. just add a character to text):
It add, at each time, an empty line after each iframe posted previously.
Reedit without delete making growing the space between them...

►Write a comment:
To make a line break in it, don't press Enter key (because it post directly your comment):
Use instead Ctrl + Enter....
>> Bug report (2022.02):
Extra line between lines when you post a comment / reply and copy past from a text editor (by example NotePad):
Copy 2 lines with a single line break.
2 lines with an extra empty line between the 2 lines!

► [2017.11] Xhamster changed the syntax of the urls for BLOGS / STORIES:

They delete the " /user/USER-NAME/" part in it.
They delete the "/stories/story-"

And all became a POST:

So if you come across a old link you will not get a connection to the post.
But you can change it manually into a working new URL.
- Examples:
BAD Old link (404 page):

GOOD New link:

Solution / How to:
1. copy the URL
2. delete this parts of the URL:
and .html
3. use the manually generated new link

Thanks to deezer6:
"New syntax of urls for blogs Neue Syntax für url "

► [2017.07] Change in for VIDEO Urls in Xhamster (can affect your olds Bookmarks):
- OLD video Url -
- NEW video Url -

► [2017.05 ] Change for USER Urls in Xhamster (can affect your olds Bookmarks):
Example of USER VIDEO page LINKs :
- NEW User's videos link -
- OLD User's videos link -
So this can affect userscripts too, and by example need to change the @include:
- OLD include:
// @include https://**
- NEW include:
// @include*

► REPLY in "News" Pages:
>> Bug:
Sometimes you have reply for a comment made by you.
Xhamster provide a link from where it was.

But if you click on it, you go to an Error 404 Page.
Their links are false formatted.
If you want have the good link , remove the "/my" in it .

Here an example : >> Wrong page >> the good page


About Firefox (notes):

To use OLD Addons (unlisted now) you need Waterfox Classic (which support legacy Addons):">Waterfox Classic

To find these OLD addons unlisted (not WebExtensions), you need "Classic Add-ons Archive [Addon]".
Info here:
Install here:

► Copy Selected Links
by Marnes:
You can customize the result by changing the default temple in its options.

Example, for this list (All my collections):
I use:
TEMPLATE used here:
%text% ▶ %url%

Other template possible to create links with title (not work on Xhamster):
<a href=%url%>%text%</a>
<a href=>Default collection</a>

►► Old List of Addons :

► FlashGot Mass Downloader [ Unlisted Firefox Addon ] : (UNLISTED NOW)
"Download all the links, movies and audio clips of a page at the maximum speed with a single click,
using the most popular, lightweight and reliable external download managers."
- Now to install it go to:
- Download Managers:Currently supported platforms and products:
Important Note:
Since 01.2021 and the last "problems" of Xhamster, it seems not possible to download their videos directly and that break the possibility to use FlashGot for that too...
I tested the userscript "xhamster download video":
But it fail now....
"You are not allowed to download"

An other Solution, tested with Waterfox Classic (but should work with Firefox Quantum) , it is possible with:
A -
"The Stream detector" (Firefox addon)
Install here:
Infos here:"
B -
"Youtube-DLG" (Application):
Download here:
Infos here:

(since 01.2021) STEPS to download an Xhamster's Video:
1 - Go to this video by example and play it:

2 - Use "The Stream detector" to find the good link to download the video.
Click its icon of "The Stream detector" to open its popup.

3 - Copy the link provided by it by clicking on this one marked:
The link copied is for the previous video, similar to:

Here a screenshot:

4 - Now, Open "Youtube-DLG"
Paste in the top form the link taken previously in "The Stream detector"
Configure in which Folder to download
Click "Add"
Click "download"
Here a screenshot:

And that's good

► Userstyles:
Stylish's companion website hosts tens of thousands of user styles made by other Stylish users that you can try.
Userstyles don't accept adult sites.

But, You can find some Porn Userstyles created be me here (Mainly for WideScreen):

► Stylish [ Firefox Addon ] :

Before ,i used it.
But now, i don't use it because many problem of Privacy reported!

"User styles are themes for web sites.
User styles empower your browsing experience by letting you customize web sites.
Take out irrelevant content, change colors, or completely redesign the entire site.
You can even use user styles as themes on the interface of Firefox.
Lets you easily manage user styles.
Add, delete, enable, disable, and organize with a few clicks of a mouse, no code to edit, no obscure configuration to find. "

Instead now, I use Stylus:

►Stylus [Addon]:

"Stylus" is a fork of the popular Stylish extension which can be used to
restyle the web.
Not "ish", but "us", as in "us" the actual users.
Stylus is a fork of Stylish that is based on the source code of version
1.5.2, which was the most up-to-date version before the original
developer stopped working on the project.
The objective in creating Stylus was to remove any and all analytics,
and return to a more user-friendly UI.
We recognize that the ability to transfer your database from Stylish is
important, so this is the one and only feature we've implemented from
the new version."

As well, became very busy and difficult to use / search:
We hope a new solution soon for the Userstyles users community! As
workaround their are some others alternative as :

► " Archive" (for search only):

•►►OTHERS FIREFOX ADDON which can be useful :

► "PopVideo" [ Unlisted Firefox Addon ] :
"For easy watching multiple videos at once. Pops video elements as resizable windows, lightweight and powerful"
Of course, that's better if you have 2 screens ...

► "Video Assistant" [ Unlisted Firefox Addon ] :
Play embedded videos and download links in an external player such as VLC or MPC : To activate use the toolbar icon and start the video in the browser as normal.

► Thumbnail Zoom Plus [ Unlisted Firefox Addon ] :
A Firefox plug-in which shows a full-size image popup when you hover over a thumbnail or image link.
When you hover your mouse over a thumbnail or a link to an image or YouTube video,
the add-on displays the full-size image or video still-frame in a floating window.
The image remains visible until you move the mouse outside the thumb, click the mouse, or press Escape.
It’s quick and easy to move the mouse from one thumbnail to another to see the corresponding full-size images.
Useful for Xhamster: When you hover the original animated video thumbnail, you have the complete film strip of it...

Principal Hotkeys for' Thumbnail Zoom Plus :
Open in New Tab or Window or Save:
- t Opens the pop-up image in a new tab and switches to that tab; useful when the image is larger than fits in the current window.
- b Opens the pop-up image in a new background tab without switching to that tab.
- n Opens the pop-up in a new window (an alternative to “t”).
s‘, ‘t‘, ‘b‘, and ‘n‘ also work while the “too small” indicator is displayed (which looks like a couple of blue boxes at the upper-right corner of the thumbnail).
Thus if your window isn’t big enough to show the pop-up, you can press ‘t‘ or ‘n‘ to see it in a separate tab or window, which you can then scroll.
When Firefox displays the image in a new tab or window, it may initially appear zoomed out to fit the screen, requiring you to click to see its full size.
You can change that using a hidden Firefox preference: go to about:config, type “resizing” the page’s Filter field,
and set “browser.enable_automatic_image_resizing” to “false” if it’s currently “true”, by double-clicking it.
- s Save Full-size Image As (same as the right-click menu item).

Clipboard, Caption, and Google Search for This Image
g Does a Google Images search for the popped-up image, finding other sites with the same or similar images.

► Replace Bookmark [ Unlisted Firefox Addon ] :

A Firefox plug-in which allows you to quickly replace an existing bookmark with a bookmark of the current page.
Useful for Xhamster since they use now https in all the site:
I use it to check if i had bookmarked a page before this change and update it to change its http to https if already in my bookmarks

•►► Userscript Managers (and INFOS about How to use userscripts)

Before installing an userscript you need to install:

For Firefox :
Greasemonkey [ Firefox Addon ]

For Chrome
Use the built in feature (Sorry i don't use Chrome too much ....).
But it should better is to use this Addon:
Tampermonkey [ Firefox / Chrome Addon ]

> After go on Usercripts pages and install them.

Principals sites:
- Watch the list of Userscripts Hosting :

- GreasyFork
Greasyfork and Adults / Porns Scripts:
You need to be connected to see them or use:
its adults free section - Porns Userscripts visible without to be connected.

- OpenUserJS

- Userscript Mirror:
The archive of the dead

Greasy Scripts [ Unlisted Firefox Addon ] :
- Allows you to search for user scripts available for the site you're just visiting with a single click.
- You can also choose to be automatically notified whenever scripts are available for a page.
- Searches the popular scripts repository Greasy Fork.
- Integrates nicely with Greasemonkey and Scriptish
if you have either of them installed, but you can also use it on its own
(it will appear in tools menu then).


Note about Greasyfork:
When you are not connected to Greasyfork (anonymous),
Adults userscripts of SleasyFork are not visible for you and not searchable, so:

Use [GreasyFork] when you are logged to greasefork:

Use [SleazyFork] when you are not logged to greasefork.

► "Xhamster Widescreen - New Design (UserCSS) [ Script - GreasyFork ] : [GreasyFork] [SleazyFork]
For a wide Xhamster on large screen (1920x1080) :
- Less scrolling: organize elements to watch them without (or less) scrolling:
- Optimized thumbnails (take all the place possible in the windows
- Player stay fixed at its place
- Less adds too...
Supports these scripts:
- Linkify Plus Plus
- "Super_preloaderPlus_one [English Version]" - because AutoPagerize seems broken for Xhamster

► Xhamster - No related Video links (Remove their "#mlrelated" part in address bar)" [ Script - GreasyFork ] :

Modify Related Links on the video player page:
split the "?from=video_related" at the end on them so you have a clean bookmarkable link and don't foolish your visited links ......

[SleazyFork] :

► "Xhamster Quick Links"
[ Script - GreasyFork ] :

Adds handy links to the top/right of the Xhamster page :
To see them, hover the red square at the top / right corner of the page.
At the install it show some predefined links:
- Link to janvier57's favorite videos
- Link to janvier57's Blog : Free Material and Tools for Xhamster
- Link to Xhamster Suggest / Forum
Fell free to Change them:
You can put whatever links or html you want in .
Simply Add/Edit your own links to the following variable...
Example: by YOUR USER NAME/videos-1.html


► "Xhamster COLLECTION LIST for XHAM New design 2020":

My personal version of "Xhamster Quick Links", this one adds My Own collections links (more than 8000 items - verified and cleaned) to the top of the Xhamster page.
To see them, hover the green "Collection" button at the top of the page, in the to header.


"xHamster External Link Warning Skipper" [ Script - GreasyFork ] :

Skip the nagging warning about leaving xHamster


► "Xhamster - Video Auto Infinite Replay" [ Script - GreasyFork ] :
Xhamster Video Auto Infinite Replay.....


► " Xhamster (TEST) AUTO Delete Our Deleted Favs (videos/Users) [ Script - GreasyFork ]:

AUTO Delete Our Deleted Favs (videos/Users/Photos) :
Help to auto clean our Favorites :
Not need to click the "delete" button on each "deleted fav" :
It click it for you!

► "Greasyfork Search with Sleazyfork Results include" [ Script - GreasyFork ] :

Greasyfork | Merge SleazyFork results into GreasyFork when the script is no longer anonymously available
Very useful :
When you are not connected to Greasyfork (anonymous),
Adults userscripts of SleasyFork are not visible for you and not searchable.
With this script they are: you can search them directly from GresyFork !



► "Super_preloaderPlus_one [English Version]"
[ Script - GreasyFork ] :
Note for Xhamster (I use it now with Xhamster):
It work very well on our Favorites pages and give the best opportunity to clean them quickly...
Screen Cast Gif:

"Super_preloaderPlus_one" is a script that allows you to endless scroll and preload pages depending on what you need.
original script by the author named ywzhaiqi:
I have posted a mini-tutorial on my blog to help you understand how to use it:

Actually (18.08.2021), there a problem to obtain it from GreasyFork (because it's minified...).
And if you have updated a previous version of it, it should be deleted by GreasyFork.

But don't worry, you can install it directly - go simply here (and show if a solution is found with GreasyFork):
Télécharger directement à partir d'ici:

To use it, just choose "Autopager" in its settings popup.
► "Linkify Plus Plus" [ Script - GreasyFork ] :
.....To Turn plain text URLs into links. Supports http, https, ftp, email addresses


► Search - Find Some verified Models: - Search IAFD links in Xhamster with DuckDuckGo : - Search NudeVista links in Xhamster with DuckDuckGo :


► "Add to Search Bar" [ Firefox Addon ] :
Just make a right click (Ctrl+click on a Mac) with the mouse pointer on top of *the page's* search box and choose "Add to Search Bar..."

► "Insite Search" [ Firefox Addon ] :
Search within the current site (here Xhamster , of course...) from popup menu or searchbar.
Customized for such search engines as Google, Yandex, Rambler, Bing, Baidu, AOL and others.
Use the first version of it, more useful than the last.

► "Context Search X" [ Unlisted Firefox Addon ] :
Enhances the context menu with a list of search engines and specified engines placed outside the submenu.
Includes an item to search for selected text on the current site. Mouse buttons and accesskeys are customizable.
Fully configurable with GUI.


► "Ready2Search" - OpenSearch Plug-in Maker : Build a Custom Search through Ready2Search
(Ready2Search - Form to make search plug-in through) :

(Ready2Search - Tutorial) :

►I create some Other "Ready2Search" for some good Porn Search Engine:

- For IAFD (Internet Adult Films Database)

IAFD - R2S (Ready 2 Search):

- For Porn MD :
PornMD - R2S (Ready 2 Search):

- For Bing (Videos) :
BING > Xhamster's Video - R2S (Ready 2 Search):

- For Xhamster (Videos) :
Xhamster Video - R2S (Ready 2 Search):


►Finding the source of 'Fake' Pics :
Google can search by an image instead of text - which will 'find-out' a lot of these fake people for you.
There are some other similar tools such as Tineye ( ) but google is just as good if not better.
The others will often give you you some different results though, so the more the merrier :P.
The others use is very much the same and fairly self explanatory if you can do the google way..

•►►FREWARE (Tested) :


Cf at the beginning of this post for (example of use) :
► "The Stream detector" (Firefox addon)
Intall here: <a href="">The Stream Detector by rowrawer</a>
Infos here: <a href="">The Stream Detector What is this?</a>

► "Youtube-DLG" (Application):
Download here:
<a href="">youtube-dl-gui</a>
Infos here:
<a href="">youtube-dl</a>

► JDownloader
JDownloader is a free, open-source download management tool with a huge community of developers
that makes downloading as easy and fast as it should be.
Users can start, stop or pause downloads, set bandwith limitations, auto-extract archives and much more.

►►VIDEOS Tools

► VClip :
A simple tool to capture short video clip + loopback audio (speaker sound) from your screen pixels and speaker waves.
VClip can output to many format (MP4, WEBM, OGG, AVI, GIF), and comes with 3 fps options (15,25,30).
Code by the same author than GifCam!

► iWisoft Free Video Converter ( I use It) :
Can fast convert videos between all popular formats.
Professional video editing functions.
Cannot convert Flash file (SWF)

► Any Video Converter :
An All-in-One video converting tool with easy-to-use graphical interface,
fast converting speed and excellent video quality.
Make Video Editing Easy.
Convert Flash file (SWF)
Tutorial :
( by ShitJustGotReal4U)

► Freemake Video Converter :
Free Video Converter by Freemake converts and edits videos, burns DVDs,
makes photo slideshows, uploads to iPhone, Pull Videos from Web& much more!
No trials or limitations but don't accept additional tool at the installation ....
- Gold Pack key (remove Black Strip etc...) :
Ask your friend to download Freemake Free Video Converter,
and you'll get Gold Pack key! (by sending email) :
Tutorial :
[ YouTube]

►►GiFS Tools (But you can post them if you are not "Verified"....)

► GifCam ( Best tool, I use It!) :
GifCam is easy and fun animated gif making app.
- Works like a camera that stays on top of all windows
so you can move it and resize it to record your desired area.
- Comes with simple and powerful frames editing,
To delete frames/add or remove delays:
Click on “Edit” button then right click on the frame you want to edit.
- When you done recording and editing,
you can save your gif in 5 color reduction formats.

► ScreenToGif (More editing possibility...) :
- Screen, webcam and sketchboard recorder with an integrated editor.
- A powerful editor with lots of options! You can edit your recording or even edit gifs from other sources.
- A portable, single executable and very small-sized application, only ~600KB! (compressed)
- Free and open source application, without any ads!

► :
Simple online GIF maker and toolset for basic animated GIF editing.
Here you can create, resize, crop, reverse, optimize, and apply some effects to GIFs.
Free, No watermark

►►OTHERS Useful (or not...) Tools

► Universal Leet (L337, L33T, 1337) Converter" :
An Online Tool to crypt/decrypt Actors names in your post, converts text to leetspeak ("encode"), or leetspeak to text ("decode")
By example in this skrock's comment , you can decode 4n63l5d4n13l !

Wikipedia : Leet (or "1337"), also known as eleet or leetspeak, is an alternative alphabet for many languages that is used primarily on the Internet. It uses some characters to replace others in ways that play on the similarity of their glyphs via reflection or other resemblance. For example, leet spellings of the word leet include 1337 and l33t; eleet may be spelled 31337 or 3l33t.
द्वारा प्रकाशित janvier57
8 वर्षो पूर्व
टिप्पणियाँ पोस्ट करने के लिए कृपया या करें
All this info is very impressive,(sorry,but i dont understand any of it).What i wanna know is....XH eliminated the download function,a few months ago, that allowed me 2 download all my listed favorites.Soooooo,how can i download all my favorites that i never had a chance 2 download onto my computer?
जवाब दें
Great tricks and tips
जवाब दें
is there any easy way to save a chat stack from one user? except for cut and copy
जवाब दें
Had the same problem until I noticed the side to side scroll bar was active.
जवाब दें
Nice set of tools - thanks!
जवाब दें
ok I found it thanks
जवाब दें
how can I add this blog to my favorite blogs? can't find the heart icon
जवाब दें
hey ... thanks for blog
जवाब दें
जवाब दें
thanks for all the tipps
जवाब दें
This may be the single most useful post I have ever come across on XH. Thanks for putting it all together for us.
जवाब दें
great post mate, excellent
जवाब दें
जवाब दें
Hey dude, i've been having this problem for a while and i hope you know a solution, whenever i open a new a video on firefox/chrome it says video not found but it's recently updated and already has lots of likes and i can actually view it on Tor browser, any idea why it's not working on chrome/fox?
i also updated my java/flash to latest ver, problem remains.
जवाब दें
Hi. I really appreciate the work you have done to collect, test and describe these materials and tools. Could you write (or give me the link) the instruction (detailed because I'm not a geek) to insert in my profile a counter of visit? Thanks and enjoy your life.
जवाब दें
Thanks for making things easy.
जवाब दें
Wow! Great Tools!
जवाब दें
Wonderful help. Thanks.
जवाब दें
Well done!!!
जवाब दें
if anyone intrested for "Camtasia Studio 8" i will upload a regestry file on oder Then you can refresh your 30 days testtime everytime
जवाब दें
Thanks for the great tips
जवाब दें
Thanks janvier
जवाब दें
Thanx a lot for all this :smile:
जवाब दें
thanks for compiling
wondering how to use those scripts :smile:
जवाब दें
Can u make a list for google chrome?
जवाब दें
प्रति ch3fkoch : U can download 99% of all vids. Simple copy the link and JD will add the link to libary and download the video. And best for uploadet, to ore shareonline etc
जवाब दें मूल टिप्पणी दिखाएं छपाएं
प्रति ch3fkoch : Use Jdownloader :wink:
जवाब दें मूल टिप्पणी दिखाएं छपाएं
Umm.. Well I'm just guessing here, but there are many ways of getting this programm free and with full functionality. :wink:
जवाब दें
Nice work man, thanks. :smile:
You might want to add "video download capture", which automatically downloads clips/movies when running them and saves them in the filetype of your choice. :wink:
जवाब दें