My News 8.24.2023

"Good Afternoon Class"
“Good Afternoon, Ms. Moreau !!”
“I had all of You Meet Me Online, so I can give You a short lesson that I hope You will employ in the New Semester”
“And I believe that it will Inspire all of You”
“Yes Rod”
“Ms. Moreau, what did You do on Summer Vacation ?”
“Well beside Teaching most of You total idiots, part of the Summer”
“I did some Modeling Work in Paris”My News 8.24.2023“Paris, Texas ?”
“No Rod, Paris Peak, Antarctica”
In My Head
“My God, It is starting all over again”
“Actually France, Rod”
“Yes Mr. Johnson”
“Ms. Moreau, Why don’t You jump in the water in Paris”
“Because You don’t want people to think you’re in Seine”
In My Head
“If there was water around, I would Fucking jump in it now !!”
“Yes Peter”
“Ms. Moreau, what do a tick and the Eiffel Tower have in common ?”
“I don’t Know, please tell Me”
“They're both Paris sites!”
“Very Funny”
“Yes Dick”
“Ms. Moreau, Why do the French eat snails ?”
“I can’t wait for the answer”
“It’s because They don’t like fast food”
In My Head
“Why can’t the Motherfucking Internet go out right now ?”
“Alright anymore ?”
“Yes Mr. Ploughman”
“Ms. Moreau, What do spiders eat in Paris?”
“French flies”
“Yes Daisy”
“Ms. Moreau, How many soldiers does it take to defend Paris ?”
“How Many”
“No one knows, it’s never been tried”
“All right class, its My turn”
An elderly Canadian gentleman of 83 arrived in Paris by plane.
At the French customs desk, the man took a few minutes to locate his passport in his carry-on bag”
"You have been to France before, monsieur?", the customs officer asked, sarcastically.
The elderly gentleman admitted he had been to France previously.
"Then you should know enough to have your passport ready"
The Canadian said, "The last time I was here, I didn't have to show it"
"Impossible, Canadians always have to show your passports on arrival in France!"
The Canadian senior gave the Frenchman a long hard look, then he quietly explained
"Well, when I came ashore at Juno Beach on D Day in 1944 to help liberate this country, I couldn't find a single Frenchmen to show it to"
“Okay enough of Your nonsense or it will be till St. Swithun’s Day before We will be finished”
“The reason I had You meet Me online is to talk about and try to inspire You for the upcoming new school year”
“It is How to Spark and Rediscover Your Creativity”
“Now Class, there is growing emphasis and value on creativity, the good news is that any of You can tap into its power”
“Routine and habit can squash creativity and stifle us”
“Once stifled, our minds are not challenged anymore”
"To break the routine, do things you’ve never done before”
“For example, take a ride in a hot air balloon, sign-up for a writing or painting course, take a day trip somewhere, draw pictures, talk to someone new or try a new recipe”
“Ms. Moreau”
Yes Rod”
“Does finding new Sexual Positions count”
Class breaks out laughing
“Of, Course it does”
“I practice that all of the time”My News 8.24.2023 2“So, onward we shall go”
“Author and artist Julia Cameron in her book”
“The Artists Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity”
Recommends a basic tool for a lasting creative awakening, called “Morning Pages”
"These three pages of longhand writing, as Cameron says, are strictly a stream-of-consciousness”
“Whatever crosses the mind”
“Yes Dick”
“When I see You, plenty crosses My mind”My News 8.24.2023 3Class starts snickering
“I don’t doubt it”
In My head
“Fucking little Monsters !!”
“Now, She explains that the pages must be done in the morning because they prioritize the day you are about to have”
“Instead of reviewing the day that’s already past”
“Cameron says there is no wrong way of doing the morning pages and nothing written is too petty, silly, stupid, negative, or weird”
“The purpose of this brain dumping, she explains”
“Is to get all that angry, whiny, petty stuff, written down so that it miniaturizes our censor”
“Calming us down, cheering us up, inspiring us, consoling us and emptying ourselves of disturbing distractions”
“Consequently, our minds and hearts open up to deeper reflections”
“Also You can use Mind Maps”
“Mind mapping is a creative tool that can help solve problems by visually connecting thoughts, ideas and facts just as the mind works”
“They can be used for creative-problem solving, decision-making, project planning, brainstorming, and taking notes”
“A mind map is a diagram that includes the arranging of words, ideas and activities linked to a central idea”
“The goal is to organize and classify information visually to quickly identify and understand the structure of a topic and how all the pieces fit together”
“Think of a question or problem you have been struggling with and experiment with mind mapping”
“The activity in and of itself can be a creative one”
“We can feel most inspired when we surround ourselves with the things we love and that fill our soul such as meaningful photographs, beautiful artwork, inspiring artifacts, soothing color schemes, and so on”
“Denise Linn in her book”
“Feng Shui for the Soul: How to Create a Harmonious Environment that will Nurture and Sustain You, Writes”
“Our Homes have an enormous impact on our state of mind”
“They can make us feel as though we are plunging into the depths of despair, or they can be uplifting havens of beauty and rejuvenation”
“I believe the soul yearns for places of sanctuary and balance, ones that provide authentic reminders of what is truly important in life”My News 8.24.2023 4“Imagine yourself in a room with comfy furniture, cherished mementos, thought-provoking artwork, peaceful and happy colors, soothing lighting or candles, and your favorite music playing in the background”
“You’ll be well on your way to inspired creativity”
So, there is a lot of ideas on how to inspire creativity”
“But I want to keep it short Today”
“Yes Mr. Johnson”
“This was as much fun as watching paint dry”
Class starts giggling
“Shut the !@#$% up, Mr. Johnson”
“To conclude”
“Creative ideas can change the World”
“Life is full of possibilities, and we can realize our creative potential from writing a screenplay or a book to designing a revolutionary product or finding a cure for a disease”
“The only real limitations to this potential are self-imposed”
“Once a person can get past fear, creativity can flourish”
‘I hope that some of You get the idea and can apply it soon in class”
“Now close Your laptops and get the !@#$ out of here”
In My head
“At least I am at home and can get totally blitzed now and forget all of Today”

हटाया गया

द्वारा प्रकाशित AmelieRMoreau
1 वर्ष पूर्व
टिप्पणियाँ पोस्ट करने के लिए कृपया या करें
Hot 🔥 
जवाब दें
Grabags picture 3, you in your pink undies
जवाब दें
Glad to see you back!!
जवाब दें
lovely story, and I like your new profile photo :smile:
जवाब दें
Great to see you again Ms Moreau.  Lovely photos. Mmmmmmmm
जवाब दें
There was a teacher in my HS that made my young cock hard. Makes me wish I had you for a teacher. 
जवाब दें
Ms Moreau, if new sexual positions are allowed, are there any limits ? What about trying something new and, well kinky ?🙄
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