My News 4.8.2024

“Good Afternoon Class” “Good Afternoon Ms. Moreau” “Well, it has been a while since I have been Online with My Classes” “I Have been extremely busy learning to run a large Ranch in Wyoming” “And I am quite aware of Your behavior with Your Substitute Teacher” “So, before I dismiss Class Today for You to enjoy the Total Solar Eclipse” “And also Suspend Todays Detention” "Why I don't know" “My Topic Today is Going to be a Doozy” “Ms. Moreau” “Yes Rod, of course” “How do you organize a Solar Eclipse party?” “How Rod?”… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था AmelieRMoreau 3 महीने पूर्व 2

My News 1.19.2024

Now. that I am living in Wyoming for a while. Actually, I am going to be living here till Mid-Summer or so. I will tell all of You what I am up to. No new pictures uploaded Yet. But I put one up Today in My Dating photos, (At Grand Tetons National Park). With the Bis Ass Sticker in the Window in back. And the Unzipped Shorts with My Pubes showing !!. I will add some previous photos, anyways to this Post. Liam has left and I am here all by Myself, till Summer. I looked around Jackson Hole proper, and it really is not t… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था AmelieRMoreau 6 महीने पूर्व 4

My News 1.16.2024

“Good Afternoon Class” “Good Afternoon, Ms. Moreau” “By now, You have been made aware of the fact, that My Classes are from now on, till the End of the School Year, are going to be done by Video Conferencing, live from My Ranch in Wyoming” “Though, I bet all of You Nincompoops would be using ZOOM” “I decided to go with Microsoft Teams, to be different” “Since the Holidays are Over” In My Head “Way too, !@#$%^& short” “Let Me Begin with Todays topic” In My head “Time for Me to !@#$ with Their Heads” “The Topic w… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था AmelieRMoreau 6 महीने पूर्व 2

My News 12.14.2023

“Good Afternoon Class” “Good Afternoon Ms. Moreau” “Now that the Holiday Break is about upon Us” “This will be a 2 Hour Class, to make up for time that will be lost” Class collectively Groans “I would like to get going today on a new topic” In My Head “The Fucking Holiday Break can’t come Fast enough” “So let Me begin” “I am going to talk about” “Artificial Intelligence” “I will have to stress certain things in My lesson, since” “I can’t think of one intelligent being in this class, except Daisy” “Ms. Mo… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था AmelieRMoreau 7 महीने पूर्व 4

My News 12.13.2023

“Good Afternoon Class” “Good Afternoon Ms. Moreau” “I guess I have to tell the Class, Why You have had a Substitute Teacher for the last few Days” “My Computer, which I built 13 Years ago, croaked finally” “The Motherboard bit the Dust” “At the time that I bought it, it was state of the art” "An EVGA board with Japanese Black transistors, that were Hand Binned” “Hand Binning is, the hand selecting and testing of each individual component” “Also, it had 4-way SLI, Scalable Link Interface” "SLI allows two, th… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था AmelieRMoreau 7 महीने पूर्व 3

My News 12.1.2023

“Good Morning Class” "Good Morning Ms. Moreau" “So, I am going to keep with the Sports theme in My lesson Today” “Ms. Moreau” “Yes Rod” “Is it going to be as boring as Yesterday’s lesson ?” “I am hoping it will put You to sleep” “So, I will not have to listen to Your usual !@#$ !” “Our topic Today will be,” “The Origins and Evolution of Game of Golf” “Ms. Moreau" “Yes Dick” “What do you call a blonde at a golf course?” “What Do You Call Her ?” “The 19th Hole” “Unlike Me calling You an !@#hole” Class breaks out… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था AmelieRMoreau 7 महीने पूर्व 4

My News 11.30.2023

“Good Afternoon Class” “Good Afternoon Ms. Moreau” “Today I have a Topic that is a little lighter than My Previous Ones” “The History, Controversies and the Economics of The National Football league” “My Team, The NY Jets, Suck as expected” “Sigh” “I was told that My Holiday Picture may perk up their spirits” “With that out of the Way” “I know what’s coming next” In My Head, “!@#$%^&** Little Monsters !!” “So, Rod, what is Your Joke Today?” “Ms. Moreau” “What’s the difference between a Jets fan and a B*by?” “… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था AmelieRMoreau 7 महीने पूर्व 2

My News 11.29.2023

“Good Afternoon Class” “Good Afternoon Ms. Moreau” “As I stated Yesterday, We have not much time to get Our lessons in before the Holidays” In My Head "I am not going to be anywhere near, this Shithole of a School, during the Holidays !!" “With That in Mind” “I will let You know Our Topic for Today, which is,” “Theoretical Perspectives on Religion” Class groans “Before You get going on the Jokes, as per usual” “For a change I will go First” Class applauds “Alright, Lets waste the next 10 minutes of Class time, sta… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था AmelieRMoreau 7 महीने पूर्व

My News 11.28.2023

“Good Afternoon Class” “Good Afternoon Ms. Moreau” “Well, with the Holiday Break quickly catching up to Us” “We have to squeeze a lot of Topics in, between now and then” “So, I am going to Dive into Today’s Subject matter right away” “Ms. Moreau” “Yes, Rod as usual” “You never told Us why You have a strong accent” “Rod and all of You” “It is because of all the places I have lived” “I grew up in NYC and I spoke English, NY English, Hebrew and Yiddish, for 21 Years” “Then went to France for 10 Years and spoke French a… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था AmelieRMoreau 7 महीने पूर्व 4

My News 11.27.2023

A Day In My Life Amélie’s Thanksgiving 2023 So, no Online Classes Today (Soon) I decided to write about My Thanksgiving Holiday instead, and a bit of what I do every Day, when I am in Upstate NY First You need to know what is happening at the moment for it to make sense There are 5 of Us in My house, till further notice Marcus, My Roommate, Lia, My Italian Girlfriend and 2 Men that were sent here by My Father in the UAE, due to the ongoing Middle East Conflict He probably knew something was up, since a bit later… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था AmelieRMoreau 7 महीने पूर्व 2

My News 11.15.2023

Instead of My usual Online Classes, I am writing this Post to explain what has been going on with Me lately I wrote in My Status that I injured My right hand So, let Me start by setting up what happened First of all, My Italian Girlfriend and I have been working My Esc*rt business together She is My Apprentice and is all Mine I am teaching Her everything I know How to handle any Sexual situation and how to be the “Hostess with the Mostess” Shit, I even have had Her watch Me do My thing with a Client, Informational You… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था AmelieRMoreau 8 महीने पूर्व 6

My News 9.26.2023

“Good Afternoon Class” “Good Afternoon Ms. Moreau” “Well, this week will be short due to all of You Little !@#$%^& Monsters being off for Yom Kippur” In My Head “Thank You Jesus for My Day off, Yesterday !!” “So, We now have little time to cover all of the topics that I have planned for this Week” “And the rest of the Year, with Thanksgiving and All of the other Holidays at the end of the Year, coming up” In My head “Shoutout to Allah and all of the other Gods, for the long respite, then” “So, My topic today will… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था AmelieRMoreau 10 महीने पूर्व 2

My News 9.14.2023

“Good Afternoon Class” “Good Afternoon Ms. Moreau” “So, Todays Topic should be right up Your Alleys” “And I can’t wait for all of Your !@#$%^&* to begin” “The Topic will be, People's Attraction to Adult Entertainment” “Ms. Moreau” “Yes Rod” “Why are You attracted to it ?” “Because, I like to waste My time” “Ms. Moreau” “That’s one Whopper of a Lie” “Maybe Yes or Maybe No” “Ms. Moreau” “Yes Peter” “What do You call useless skin on a Penis ?”… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था AmelieRMoreau 10 महीने पूर्व 7

My News 9.13.2023

“Good Afternoon, Class” “Good Afternoon, Ms. Moreau” “ Well, a New School Year has started and it is My hope that finally some of You will actually learn something” “Most likely just a handful, if even that” “Ms. Moreau” “Yes Rod” “How bored are We going to be this Year ?” “Hopefully so bored that You will all fall asleep, so I do not have to listen to Your !@#$%^&*, all Day long” In My head “My God another Year of having to listen to these little Monsters !@#$ !!" “So, That aside, lets dive into the Subject that… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था AmelieRMoreau 10 महीने पूर्व 6

My News 8.26.2023

“Good Morning Class” “Good Morning, Ms. Moreau” “I have assembled You online Today to hopefully Inspire You for the upcoming New School Year, as You know, starts in Early September” “I don’t want to make what I have to Say so long, that it takes You away from whatever !@#$, You little !@#$%^’s, have planned for this weekend” “And please don’t tell Me what that will be” “I have never liked Horror Shows” “Now that is out of the Way, let Me begin” “This year I will be teaching a lot of the same subjects, Science, M… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था AmelieRMoreau 11 महीने पूर्व 6

My News 8.24.2023

"Good Afternoon Class" “Good Afternoon, Ms. Moreau !!” “I had all of You Meet Me Online, so I can give You a short lesson that I hope You will employ in the New Semester” “And I believe that it will Inspire all of You” “Yes Rod” “Ms. Moreau, what did You do on Summer Vacation ?” “Well beside Teaching most of You total idiots, part of the Summer” “I did some Modeling Work in Paris”“Paris, Texas ?” “No Rod, Paris Peak, Antarctica” In My Head “My God, It is starting all over again” “Actually France, Rod” “Yes Mr. Joh… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था AmelieRMoreau 11 महीने पूर्व 7

My News 8.11.2023

So, I actually had some time to Myself Today, to write some more about My Female relationships. Since Yesterday I was telling You about What I do, and also, about My Girlfriend and Our relationship. I figured I will tell You about the type of relationship that Gisse and I have now, (41 Years of Us being together). So, now, On to My purchasing My 2023 Cadillac Escalade ESV - V Series in Naples, FL, Story, for Your Enjoyment, or Not. I know that most of You are probably not familiar with Entitled, Naples, FL.… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था AmelieRMoreau 11 महीने पूर्व 2

My News 8.10.2023

I wrote this Post last Night. I am in Silver Spring, Maryland for a Week doing Esc*rt Work. I leave on Sunday, 8.13.2023. My Girlfriend drove down with Me, My Companion and Lover. I am writing this, because of the many Questions asked of Me in Messages about Particular things in My Life. So, Without Further Ado, I am now doing Esc*rt work pretty Much Full-time. Don't ask Me what I earn, You will either fall out of Your seat or have a Stroke, or both !! LMFAO So, What does that entail and What do I do Person… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था AmelieRMoreau 11 महीने पूर्व 4

My News 7.27.2023

I have been doing Esc*rt Work Lately, all over the USA, (Work it is for Goddamn, Sure !!) I am in Paradise Valley, Arizona, at the Moment I get up at 4:00 AM always, I go to Bed about 11:00 or 12:00, every Night I get about 4 Hours Sleep My Girlfriends, (Also My Main Squeeze and Travel Companion), New car I Bought for Her, in Phoenix, AZ I am posing in that Bombshell style of Photo Fake Arizona License Plate, For the 2 BRATS !! LOL 2023 Hot as Hades Here in Arizona, above 110° F, every Fucking Day But I am hav… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था AmelieRMoreau 12 महीने पूर्व 4

My News 7.3.2023

Tomorrow, 7.4.2023, We Celebrate Our American Independence, occurring 247 Years ago. The Revolutionary War in North America started on April 19, 1775 America Declared Its Independence on July 4th, 1776 The Second Continental Congress met inside Independence Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, beginning in May 1775. It was just a month after shots had been fired at Lexington and Concord in Massachusetts, and the Congress was preparing for war. They established a Continental Army and elected George Washington as Commander-in-Chief, but the Delegates also drafted the Olive Branch Petition and… अधिक पढ़ें

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