My News 9.26.2023

“Good Afternoon Class”

“Good Afternoon Ms. Moreau”

“Well, this week will be short due to all of You Little !@#$%^& Monsters being off for Yom Kippur”

In My Head

“Thank You Jesus for My Day off, Yesterday !!”

My News 9.26.2023
“So, We now have little time to cover all of the topics that I have planned for this Week”

“And the rest of the Year, with Thanksgiving and All of the other Holidays at the end of the Year, coming up”

In My head

“Shoutout to Allah and all of the other Gods, for the long respite, then”

“So, My topic today will be”

“What is Love”

“Ms. Moreau”

“Yes Rod”

“Why is Love like a machine ?”

“Why Rod”

“Sometimes You need a Good Screw to Fix it”

“I guess You have never fixed a Machine ever, Rod”

Class Snickers

“Ms. Moreau”

“Yes Peter”

“If the Dove is the Bird of Peace, what is the Bird of true Love?”

“And what Bird is that?”

“It’s the Swallow”

“Now that Bird I know well”

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“Ms. Moreau”

“Yes Willy”

“If Love is Grand,” then what is Divorce?”

“Pray tell”

“A Hundred Grand, or even more”

“I guess You will never get Divorced Willy, since You will never make that kind of Money flipping Burgers, in Your entire Life”

Class breaks out laughing

“Ms. Moreau”

“Yes Mr. Ploughman”

“Why did the Lion break up with His Partner?”


“Because She was a Cheetah”

“That, Mr. Ploughman, was truly !@#$%^& Bad !!”

“Ms. Moreau”

“Yes Dick”

“What is an Australian kiss ?”

“I can’t wait to find out”

“It’s the same as a French kiss, but Down Under”

“Well, now I have the correct name, for when I have that done to Me”

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Class laughs again

"Okay My turn”

“A Teacher is teaching a Class and She sees that Johnny isn't paying attention”

“So, She asks Him”

"If there are Three Ducks sitting on a Fence, and You sho*t one, how many are left?"

“Johnny says, None”

"The Teacher asks, Why?"

“Johnny says, Because the Shot scared Them all off"

“The Teacher says"

“No, there are two left, but I like how You're thinking"

“Then Johnny asks the Teacher”

"You see three Women walking out of an ice cream parlor”

“One is licking Her ice cream, one is sucking Her ice cream, and one is biting Her ice cream”

“Which one is Married?"

“The Teacher responds”

"The one sucking Her ice cream"

“Johnny says"

"No, the one with the Wedding ring”

“But I like how You're thinking”

“Alright, let’s begin”

“What is Love?”

“Ms. Moreau”

“Yes Spurt”

“It is a Song by singer Haddaway”

“God, I sure have a bunch of Dumb !@#$% in This Class”

“No, not the Song”

“More like this”

“The definition of Love is very hard to pinpoint”

“Just ask all the Artists, Scientists, and Philosophers, who have tried to provide a definitive answer over the years”

“Is Love a Feeling, an Action, a State of Being, a Motivation ?”

“Ms. Moreau”

“Yes Mr. Poke”

“And also Physics”


‘"Newton said, a Body in Motion will remain in Motion”

“Usually does”

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“So, can We boil it down to just one simple definition?”

“ Psychologists have determined one characteristic shared by all the behaviors and experiences that We think involve Love”

“Hegi & Bergner, in 2010, said”

“It is Investment in the well-being of the other for His or Her own sake”

“What does that mean?”

“It means that Love is wanting another Person to be happy and healthy”

“This is the characteristic that People most consistently say is central to the idea of Love”

“It provides a very useful starting point”

“Think about it”

“Whether it’s a Parent dressing their newborn baby”

“One sibling defending another on the playground”

“Or the feeling You get from sending or receiving a Birthday card”

“All instances of love involve a desire for Somebody else to feel good”

“Yes Mr. Johnson”

“Is that what You do ?”

“That being ?”

“Making others feel good 24/7 ?”

“Nope, I only do 18 hours a Day”

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Class giggles

“Often, feeling Love translates into an act of Love”

We do good for someone so that they can be well, even if it doesn’t help us directly

“Acts of self-care are motivated by Love, too”

“Though I don’t think that all of You Pulling the Pud 24/7, is actually Love !!”

Class roars in laughter

“So, what is the Opposite of Love”

“You might be saying to Yourself”

“Isn’t H*te the opposite of Love?”

“It turns out, though, that the opposite of Love isn’t H*te, it’s Indifference”

“This phrase, most often attributed to Holocaust survivor and author Elie Wiesel”

“Emphasizes a central aspect of Love”

“Namely, that it involves a powerful feeling”

“H*tred also involves a powerful, but in this case, negative feeling”

“Therefore, it can’t be the opposite of Love”

“Since Love involves being invested in Somebody else and wanting Them to be well”

“The opposite of Love is the absence of Investment and wanting the other Person to be well”

“The experience of falling out of love”

“Provides an effective example of this”

“When a close relationship fades”

“One or both People in the relationship gradually come to care less about whether the other Person is doing well”

“And start putting less effort into promoting the other Person’s wellbeing”

“Now What Is Love in Psychology?”

“Ms. Moreau”

“Yes Wang”

“Two Psychologists Fucking”

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“Very Funny”

In My head

“When is this Goddamn Class over”

“Believe it or not, Psychologists only really started studying Love as a specific idea in the last 75 years”

“In addition to realizing that Love involves feeling good, when Somebody else is well”

“Ms. Moreau”

“Yes Mr. Pecker”

“Or getting Fucked”


“Psychologists started to describe different types of Love, such as romantic Love and Companionate Love”

“While Psychologists generally agree that there are a limited number of types of Love”

“Everyone has agreed that Love manifests in many different ways”

“Perhaps too many to count”

“For example, Love can be why You forgive your partner for always being late”

“Commit to finishing a creative project”

“Dream about getting a promotion, so You can afford to take Your family to Disneyland”

“Or feel devastated when your favorite sports team loses”

“Notice that the only shared characteristic of these situations is that You care about something or Somebody”

“In other words, We know that love isn’t just a thought, feeling, or action”

“But it can be present in a thought, feeling, or action”

“So, what are the Benefits of Love ?”

“Ms. Moreau”

“Yes Rod”

“Getting Fucked 24/7 ?”

“That You will never know”

“Research has shown again and again that People who report feeling more Love and having more close relationships are happier and healthier than people with less love in their lives”

“Perhaps the best example of this comes from Harvard researchers who followed a group of Men for over 80 years of Their lives”

“The researchers found that Warm and Loving close relationships”

“Whether with Friends, Family, or Spouses”

“Ms. Moreau”

“Yes John”

“You forgot Your Clients”

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“Shut the !@#$ up John !!”

“Were among the best predictors of well-being across the entire lifespan”

“In Conclusion”

“Ms. Moreau”

“Yes Willy”

“Thank God !!”

“The idea of Love as a practice”

“Is best demonstrated by the People whose lifelong commitment to Loving others has truly changed the world”

"Ms. Moreau"

"Yes Dick"

"You must have changed a lot of it"

Eyes roll to the back of My head

“ People who practice Love in all aspects of Their lives”

“Or who follow Their love to its most profound limits”

“Have promoted well-being for Themselves and many others on a global scale”

“Think, for example, of the selfless sacrif*ce and Love for Others exhibited by Martin Luther King”

“So, some famous Love Quotes to end Class today”

“And in the end, The Love you make, Is equal to the Love, You take”

“John Lennon & Paul McCartney"

“Ms. Moreau”

“Yes Mr. Pecker”

“You Sure Must do a lot of Making and Taking !!”

“Damn Straight !!”

“It takes Courage to Love, but p*in through Love is the purifying fire which those who love generously know”

“We all know People who are so much afraid of p*in that They shut themselves up like clams in a shell”

“And, giving out nothing, receive nothing and therefore shrink until life is a mere living de*th.”

“Eleanor Roosevelt”


“The first duty of love is to listen”

“Paul Tillich”

“So, one last Joke before the bell rings”

“A Panda walks into a bar”

“He asks the bartender how he can get a little action for the night”

“Ms. Moreau”

“Yes Dick”

“Give You a Call ?”


“The bartender motions to a y*ung Woman”

“She talks to the Panda, and they go back to Her place”

“After having sex, the Panda abruptly leaves”

“The next night, the Woman goes to the Panda's house”

"You owe Me m*ney, She says”

"For what?"

“The Woman rolls her eyes and explains, I'm a Pr*stitute"

“The Panda pulls out a dictionary and looks it up”


“Has sex for m*ney”

The Panda says”

"I don't have to pay You, I'm a Panda, look it up”

"She is about to protest when the Panda hands Her the Dictionary”

“The woman looks up Panda in the Dictionary”

“And it reads”

"Panda, it Eats Bushes and Leaves”


“Well, that is the Bell”

“I will see most of You in Detention Today and now get the !@#$ out of My Hair !!”

“Class Dismissed !!”

In My Head

“Damn, Thanksgiving break is 2 Months away”

“God, I need a Drink !!”

"Or go play some more Golf"

My News 9.26.2023 8
द्वारा प्रकाशित AmelieRMoreau
11 महीने पूर्व
टिप्पणियाँ पोस्ट करने के लिए कृपया या करें
Another wonderful lesson Ms Moreau.  Love the definition of an Australian kiss also the panda joke.  Sorry i missed a couple of your lesson, will catch up soon. Xxx
जवाब दें
Always look forward to your posts! 
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