My News 8.26.2023

“Good Morning Class”
“Good Morning, Ms. Moreau”

My News 8.26.2023
“I have assembled You online Today to hopefully Inspire You for the upcoming New School Year, as You know, starts in Early September”
“I don’t want to make what I have to Say so long, that it takes You away from whatever !@#$, You little !@#$%^’s, have planned for this weekend”
“And please don’t tell Me what that will be”
“I have never liked Horror Shows”
“Now that is out of the Way, let Me begin”
“This year I will be teaching a lot of the same subjects, Science, Math, Spirituality, Sexuality and so on”
The Entire Class Groans
“But, for a Change, some fun activities”
“Yes Rod”
“Ms. Moreau, You mean You are going to bore Us in class as usual”
“Not really, just try to stimulate Your !@#$%^& little Peabrains”
“Ms. Moreau”
“Yes Wang”
“Are those Fun activities have to do with Sexuality ?”
“Maybe”My News 8.26.2023 2“Ms. Moreau”
“Yes Dick”
“What did the Male magnet say to the Female magnet ?”
“What did He Say ?”
“From Your backside, I thought You were repulsive. However, after seeing You from the front, I find You rather attractive”
In My Head
“Motherfucker, Here I go again, on My Own”
R.I.P., Bernie Marsden of Whitesnake
“Ms. Moreau”
“Yes Willy”
“What do you do with a Sick chemist ?”
“Pray tell”
“Well, If you can’t Helium, and You can’t Curium, then You might as well Barium”
Instead of the classes initial reaction, I groan
“Ms. Moreau”
“Yes Peter”
“How much room do fungi need to grow ?”
“How Much ?”
“As Mushroom as possible”
In My Head
“Ms. Moreau”
“Yes Mr. Poke”
“What does one Tectonic plate say when it bumps into another ?”
“What does it Say ?"
“Sorry, It’s My fault!”
“Ok, it’s now the Teachers turn”
A man goes to the Doctor to see if there is anything He can do to make His Penis larger
After a thorough examination
The Doctor says
“There’s nothing Medical Science can do for You”
“However, there is an Old Country remedy that You could try”
“Just rub Lard on it every day, and in a couple of weeks You should see some results”
Two weeks go by, and the Man goes back to the Doctor
“Some Doctor You are!”
“I rubbed Crisco on it every day, and if anything, My Penis is even smaller!”
“You Fool”
Cried the Doctor
“I said use LARD, not Shortening!”
“Ok, I hope that all of Your jokes are out of Your Systems”
“So, what I have to say is this”
“What can I do to improve Your lack of Motivation ?”
“Motivation, both intrinsic and extrinsic”
“Is a key factor in the success of students at all stages of their education”
“And teachers can play a pivotal role in providing and encouraging that motivation in their students”
“Ms. Moreau”
“Yes Spurt, and where You got that Nickname is beyond Me”
“Ms. Moreau You always Motivate and Stimulate Us”My News 8.26.2023 3Class Giggles
“Yes I do”
“Let’s continue”
“Of course, that’s easier said than done”
“As all students are motivated differently and it takes time and a lot of effort to learn to get a classroom full of Students enthusiastic about learning, working hard, and pushing themselves to excel”
“Even the most well-intentioned and educated teachers sometimes can find it difficult to keep Students on track”
“So whether you’re a new teacher or an experienced one”
“I will try using some methods to improve Your motivation and to encourage You to live up to Your true potential”
“Ms. Moreau”
“Yes Mr. Johnson”
“I can speak for all of Us in saying that We are all Potent”
“Mr. Johnson, that was Potential, not Potency"My News 8.26.2023 4In My head
“This are some of My ideas”
“Give You a sense of Control”
“Ms. Moreau”
“Yes John”
“Cool, We get to control You”
My News 8.26.2023 5"Dream On"
In My Head
“Christ !!”
“I will Be clear about learning objectives”
“And Offer varied experiences”
“Ms. Moreau”
“Yes Mr. Pecker”
“Don’t You always ?”
“Again, like I have said before”
“That You will never, ever, find out”
My News 8.26.2023 6“ One more, Offer Rewards”
“Ms. Moreau”
“Yes Peter”
“Like After School Detention or Activities”
“At any rate that is some of My thoughts for Our new Semester”
“So, close Your laptops, get the !@#$ out of here, and go indulge in whatever Nincompoopery You have planned for the rest of the weekend”
In My head
“School has not even started, and I already need a Vacation !!”
My News 8.26.2023 7
द्वारा प्रकाशित AmelieRMoreau
1 वर्ष पूर्व
टिप्पणियाँ पोस्ट करने के लिए कृपया या करें
i love to see your horny fuck figure divine
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जवाब दें
Its good to have you back….or any other way!  Love and kisses.  
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जवाब दें
Love you!!
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Jesteś piękna i bardzo seksowna chętnie bym sie z tobą zabawiła 😘😛💋
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