My News 9.13.2023

“Good Afternoon, Class”

“Good Afternoon, Ms. Moreau”

My News 9.13.2023
“ Well, a New School Year has started and it is My hope that finally some of You will actually learn something”

“Most likely just a handful, if even that”

“Ms. Moreau”

“Yes Rod”

“How bored are We going to be this Year ?”

“Hopefully so bored that You will all fall asleep, so I do not have to listen to Your !@#$%^&*, all Day long”

In My head

“My God another Year of having to listen to these little Monsters !@#$ !!"

“So, That aside, lets dive into the Subject that I have planned for Today”

“How The Female Body Has Evolved in Art”

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The whole Class starts Clapping and Hooting and Hollering

“I knew that You would like My Topic Today and So, shall We begin ?”

“Ms. Moreau”

“Yes Peter”

“There's this part of a Woman's body that can drive her wild with erotic pleasure, But I can't remember the name of it”

“Why not ?”

“Well, it is on the tip of My tongue”

Class laughs, I groan

“Ms. Moreau”

“Yes Dick”

“I'm a Man trapped in a Woman's body”

“Why is That ?”

“Because I forgot that I kept the Superglue and the Lube in the same drawer"

“HaHaHa, very funny Dick !!”

“Ms. Moreau”

“Yes Mr. Johnson”

“Sometimes I also feel like a Man trapped in a Woman's body”

“Go on”

“Because that's how tight My Girlfriend's Pussy is”

“Anymore jokes before We start Class ?”

“Ms. Moreau”

“Yes Willy”

“What's the definition of a Misogynist ?”


“A Man who hates every bone in a Woman's body except His”

Class laughs and I sigh

“Ms. Moreau”

“Yes Mr. Wang”

“A group of Women reported that all computers should be referred to in the Masculine gender”

“And why did They report that ?”

“Because, In order to get Their attention, You have to turn Them on”

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“Okay now its My Turn”

“A Man and His Wife went on vacation to Israel and His Mother-in-Law decided to go, too”

“One night on the trip, the Mother-in-law d*ed of a heart attack”

“The couple visited a local Undertaker who said that it would cost $1500 to take the Woman's body back to the US”

"However, said the Undertaker”

"We could have the funeral and bury Her here in the Holy Land for only $150.00"

“The Man insisted, though, that They ship Her back home”

“Again, the Undertaker tried to convince Them to bury Her in Israel”

“But the Son-in-Law insisted otherwise”

“The Undertaker asked why”

"Well I heard about some Guy who d*ed and came back to life in 3 days, who was buried here”

“There is no way I'm risking that"

“Alright enough of this nonsense”

“Back to discussing, How The Female Body Has Evolved in Art”

“From the Pious Worshipper to Modern Nudes and Contemporary Abstract Figures”

“The Female body’s Depiction is a Cultural Mirror of the Times”

“The captivating intricacies of the Female body have always been present, but everchanging in Art”

“Over the centuries, Artists played a great role in investigating and depicting the Feminine, often achieving great outcomes”

“For a long time, however, the Woman’s body was a taboo”

“Ms. Moreau”

“Yes Spurt”

“Your Body isn’t Taboo”

“It is to You !!”

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“So, only some of its deepest nuances came alive in Art”

“Rather than a stable set of outlines, Her physical beauty is an ever-morphing construct”

“Eventually a Muse, a collective dream that Artists engage with sooner or later”

“More often than not, the way the body is portrayed wants to deliver a message”

“In the church of Sant’ Apollinare Nuovo in Ravenna, Italy, outstanding mosaics from the 6th century can be found”

“A detail taken from one of many themes highlights how the depiction of a Woman is shown as a tool to promote overall devotion”

“The themes refer to the Procession of the Holy Virg*ns and Martyrs”

“Presenting Women standing with pious faces in stoic motion, cloths veiling Their body’s curves"

"Features praising the Feminine Sanctity and Pureness”

"Ms. Moreau"

"Yes Dick"

"No Veils on Your Curves"

"Yeah, OK"

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“The body itself is not the focus, but rather a means to project the Viewership into a Religious atmosphere”

“Ms. Moreau”

“Yes Mr. Pecker”

“What a Bunch of Dopes !!”


“Now going on to more recent works of Art”

“Pontormo’s, Carmignano Visitation, 1528”

"Is an allegory of flawless bold color and striking palettes of supreme delicacy”

“A Florentine masterpiece of the Cinquecento”

“The subject matter presents the miraculous encounter between the V*rgin Mary and Saint Elizabeth”

“Both with offspring, and Two attending women standing behind their respective mistresses”

“Pontormo’s depiction of the body is softer compared to Ravenna’s mosaics”

“Livelier and more dynamic”

“The Visitation”

“Ought to be a symbol of fertility and ongoing pregnancy”

“A softness dominates the encounter, maternal love and compassion”

“Rendered through the body’s gestures and facial expressions”

"The bodies are less rigid in their posture, the curves relaxed, conspicuous, and Mary and Elizabeth’s gazes are engaging”

“Ms. Moreau”

“Yes John”

“Just like Your Body and Gazes !!”

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Class Snickers and I curse under My breath


“Drap*ry is abundant and sculptural, as if carved out of marble”

“Despite their firmness and seeming weightiness, the Women appear to float above ground”

“Their feet positioned in a no-gravity, dancing configuration”

“Here, the body is predominant and depicted harmoniously”

“Artemisia Gentileschi is surely the best-known Female Artist from the Baroque period”

“Which was from 1600-1750”

“She delivered an utterly Feminine vision of the body, exemplary in the Sleeping Venus”

“The Venus’ shapes are sinuous, and She wears nothing but a thin transparent linen fabric”

“Ms. Moreau”

“Yes Mr. Poke”

“Just like You !!”

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“Mr. Poke, that is !@#$%^& Hilarious”

“So, Her body becomes a metaphor for idleness of life and the precise moment in time”

“As She drifts to sleep over a lavish red and gold cushion”

“Cupid fans Her with richly colored peacock feathers and stares in admiration of Her flawless body”

”Her beauty lies in Her bodily attitude, and Her divine curves fill the artwork’s air with a Feminine scent and presence”

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“The body Gentileschi depicts is one the viewership likes to look at”

“As pleasant as ostentatious, yet perfect”

“Ms. Moreau”

“Yes Peter”

“Like Your Body used to Be”

“Thanks for reminding Me of My Ancient Decrepitude !!”

"Now, Fast-forwarding to Modernity, Pablo Picasso’s, Les Demoiselles d’Avignon, evokes discomfort as much as it draws one’s eyesight to it”

“Strongly influenced by earlier examples of African Art”

“Picasso completely decomposed and reassembled the human body and the Demoiselles are one of the outcomes”

“After multiple preparatory sketches and drawings, the idea of body they present was cutting edge for the time and unforeseen”

“Picasso focuses on the geometry of the bodies, turning them into complex, yet simple constructs”

“The graceful curves of Gentileschi have become sharp and jagged”

“As the Artist is no longer seeking out silhouettes and perfection, nor bold and contrasting color palettes, like Pontormo’s.

“In more recent years, due to increasing Democratization of image consumption and shifts in the ideals of Feminine beauty and the body alike”

“Women themselves started delineating their very own ideals, to which they aspire”

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“Contemporary Artist, Tracey Emin, took the abstractness of the human body even further”

“Outlines and curves are meeting and merging with one another and together form the body with smoothed over edges”

“In the case of Emin, the body represented is Her own figure”

“She engages with Her body using it as an organic expression of Her own vital reality in Her artistic creation”

“Sometimes implicitly other times explicitly”

“Ms. Moreau”

“Yes Willy”

“Do You engage with Your Body explicitly ?”

“Sometimes !!”

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“Soldiering on”

“Emin’s iconography has markedly shifted from Pontormo’s”

“And is also far removed from the Feminine perspective of Gentileschi”

“But they share the mutual desire to express an intimate narrative through their Art”

“Ms. Moreau”

“Yes Mr. Wang”

“Is that what You do ?”


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Class snickers again

“And the result is the evolution from a set type of beauty, or the idealized one of Pontormo”

“So, in Conclusion”

“Which is willing to be as real or as perfect”

“Multiple notions of beauty are now available to Artists of all kinds”

“Physical ideals are changeable, manifestations of the cultures they come from”

“Yet some aspects change more readily than others”

“Ultimately, the Female body as a subject in Art is used less as a manifestation of real life”

“Or as a portrayal of ideals of beauty”

“Its evolution still serves as a cultural mirror of the times”

“Now before You all start with Your stupidity, before Class is about to end”

“One More Joke from Me”

“During a marriage preparation class, the teacher asked how many kissable areas there are on a Woman's body”

“One guy said, 18”

“A French guy in the back yelled, 119”

“Another guy said, 12"

“The French guy piped up again, 119!"

“A sweet girl in the front said”

"I know only one, the lips!"

“The French guy shouted, 120!"


“Well, that is the Bell”

“So, all of You can get the !@#$ out of My Hair”

“And some of You I will see in Detention, later”

In My Head

"How many more days are left in this School Year ?"

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द्वारा प्रकाशित AmelieRMoreau
11 महीने पूर्व
टिप्पणियाँ पोस्ट करने के लिए कृपया या करें
You get better year after year, like a fine wine :smile:
जवाब दें
Love the sexy smoking pics!
जवाब दें
I am so pleased class has started and to see your gorgeous body again.  Looking forward to detention as always.  Xx
जवाब दें
Very entertaining and informative, Miss Moreau. I would just like to add this: what is the medical term for lesbianism?  Strap adicktomy! 🤣
जवाब दें
You're a super story teller, very nice to read
जवाब दें
Wunderschön und sexy 
जवाब दें