My News 11.28.2023

“Good Afternoon Class”

“Good Afternoon Ms. Moreau”

“Well, with the Holiday Break quickly catching up to Us”

हटाया गया

“We have to squeeze a lot of Topics in, between now and then”

“So, I am going to Dive into Today’s Subject matter right away”

“Ms. Moreau”

“Yes, Rod as usual”

“You never told Us why You have a strong accent”

“Rod and all of You”

“It is because of all the places I have lived”

“I grew up in NYC and I spoke English, NY English, Hebrew and Yiddish, for 21 Years”

“Then went to France for 10 Years and spoke French and Slang French”

“On to the UAE, for 10 Years and spoke Arabic”

“So, after all that exposure, I ended up sounding like I do”

“Most People think that I am Dutch”

“Now that You know, let’s start Class”

“Our Topic Today is”

“The Pros and Cons of the Various types of Automobile Engine Systems”

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“Ms. Moreau”

“Yes Dick”

“What is the worst thing about parallel parking?”

“Pray tell”

“The Witnesses”

In My Head

“Here We go again !!”

“Ms. Moreau”

“Yes Willy”

"What kind of cars do people in Norway drive?"

“I’ll Bite”


“Christ Willy, that is one, !@#$%^& groaner”

“Ms. Moreau”

“Yes Mr. Pecker”

"What’s the difference between a Fiat and a golf ball?"

“And the Difference is?”

"You can drive a golf ball more than 200 yards"

“That’s a FIAT, Fix It Again Tony”

Class snickers

“Ms. Moreau”

“Yes Wang”

“"Why are racecar drivers the best people to go to for dating advice?"


"They’re trained to look for red flags"

“Ok, My turn and then let’s start our lesson”

"A guy walks into a shop and says,”

"I'd like a gas cap for my KIA"

“The owner thinks for a few seconds and replies,”

"Ok, that seems like a fair trade"

“And now My turn again”

“Did you know that CADILLAC is an acronym?”

"It Means,"

“Crazy And Demented Idiots Like Large American Cars”

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“Now on to Our Lesson for Today”

“The Pros and Cons of the Various types of Automobile Engine Systems”

“First let Us start with the Internal Combustion Engine, ICE”

“An internal combustion engine vehicle or ICE vehicle is an automobile powered by conventional, oil-derived resources, such as gasoline or diesel fuel”

“Compared to an electric vehicle or hybrid electric vehicle, an ICE vehicle offers more engine power than the average electric vehicle and is typically less expensive to purchase”

“That said, once you factor in the fuel costs, regular maintenance costs, and repairs, they tend to be more costly in the long run”

“Ms. Moreau”

“Yes Mr. Johnson”

“Like You?”


“Well, You are like an ICE vehicle”

“Whys That?”

“Suck, Squeeze, Bang and Blow”

Class erupts in laughter

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“Mr. Johnson You are 100% a, !@#$%^ )(*&^%$#@ !!”


‍”More than that, ICE vehicles create more emissions for the planet”

“When they’re in use, they release harmful gas and chemical agents into the air”

“These pollutants can dilute air quality”

“There are three primary kinds of pollution that ICE vehicles emit”

‍”First, Air pollution”

“Ms. Moreau”

“Yes John”

“It is like when Rod Farts“

“And to carry on”

“This refers to greenhouse-gas-causing emissions and other toxins released into the air while you’re driving”

“Tiny particles of gas are emitted in the engine exhaust through the tailpipe”

“Tailpipe emissions account for the majority of the 24 lbs of gas emissions that cars produce for every gallon of gas”

“And that’s just for cars”

“Transport vehicles are heavier and, thus, produce more gas emissions”

“Second, Land waste”

“Leaks and spills from oil and fuel are another way that ICE vehicles are considered harmful to the environment”

“These toxic liquids seep off of roads and highways and into the ground, where they can damage ecologies and pollute water sources”

“Finally, Noise pollution”

“The noise produced by cars might not seem like a big threat, but according to the World Health Organization, even this kind of pollution can be bad for populations”

“Studies have linked it to a range of health issues, including cardiovascular decline and mental health”

“Ms. Moreau”

“Yes Mr. Poke”

“Is that Why Rod is an Idiot”


‍”Now, Let’s talk about Hybrid Systems”

“With hybrid cars, you have two options for fuel, gasoline or electricity”

“If you run your hybrid car solely on gasoline, you'll still emit greenhouse gases from your tailpipe, but less so than you would with gasoline-only counterparts because they're more fuel-efficient”

“Some hybrids allow for more than 50 miles per gallon”

“This means you'll use less gas to travel the same distance and therefore emit less pollution”

“You can save money with a hybrid car”

“With a hybrid vehicle, you can avoid making frequent trips to the gas station and paying high prices to fill up your tank thanks to the efficient engines and the option to switch to electricity for fuel”

“However, it can be difficult to estimate just how much you can save since savings depend heavily on your own driving habits, your reliance on gas for power, your area, and more”

“Hybrid cars are quiet”

“Unlike all of You”

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Hybrid cars are much quieter than traditional gasoline-powered vehicles thanks to their electric motors”

“In fact, they're so quiet that the U.S. had to pass laws to require both hybrids and electric vehicles to make audible sounds when traveling at certain speeds because of safety concerns”

“Hybrid cars often require less maintenance”

"Ms. Moreau"

"Yes Mr. Pecker"

"Obviously, You are not a Hybrid"

"No, I am not"

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“Because hybrid cars have two sources of power (the gas engine and the electric motor), there is less regular wear and tear on the car's engine”

“This often means less need for oil or coolant and fewer routine maintenance costs than cars that rely solely on combustion fuel engines”

“Admittedly, maintenance costs can vary depending on the type of hybrid car you have”

“One of the biggest downsides of all-electric vehicles is range anxiety"

“Or the fear that you won't have a high enough charge to make the distance from one charging station to another, heightened by the lack of electric car charging stations in some areas”

“You don't have to worry about this with a hybrid vehicle”

“When your battery runs out of electricity, the car will switch to using gasoline in your tank, and there are still plenty of gas stations around to refuel”

“Now the Cons”

“Hybrid cars typically cost more upfront”

"Ms. Moreau"

"Yes Peter"

"Like Your Upfront?"

"Yep !!"

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“You shouldn't expect to pay the same for every hybrid that you would for a luxury vehicle, but generally speaking, hybrids tend to cost more to lease or buy than comparable gasoline-powered alternatives”

“You can make up for this in fuel savings, and federal incentives can certainly help”

“But if you're going to switch to a hybrid, you likely have to accept paying a higher price upfront”

“When maintenance is needed, it can be more expensive for hybrid cars”

“Especially if you have to replace the battery”

“Hybrid cars are not always as environmentally-friendly as we'd like”

“The environmental impact of a hybrid depends on how often you power it with gasoline vs. electricity, as well as where your electricity comes from”

“Hybrid cars are cleaner than gasoline cars, but they tend to have higher well-to-wheel emissions than their all-electric neighbors and way more emissions than biking or walking”

“So, If the forecasts by regulators and automakers are correct, the future of the automobile is going to be heavily reliant on battery-electric propulsion”

“But we don't live in the future, we live in the present”

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“It's a time of great transition for the industry, but there are a few kinks that still need working out”

"Ms. Moreau"

"Yes John"

"Are You still working out Your Kinks?"

"Working hard on Them !!"

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"Alright, now"

“Electric cars are efficient, quiet, and torque-rich”

“They can also be expensive, tend to be heavy, and are plagued by a limited public charging infrastructure”

“BEVs, Battery Electric Vehicles, have the potential to be insanely quick”

“Thanks to the near-instant torque production of an electric motor, even more modestly powered BEVs tend to feel pretty peppy in typical driving situations”

“Ms. Moreau”

“Yes Peter”

“Like You in Bed?”

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Class has a laughing Meltdown


“With no exhaust and thus no tailpipe emissions, electric motors are far cleaner than gas engines”

“Of course, just how much cleaner electric cars are compared to their gas-powered kin is dependent on a number of factors”

“For instance, if your local power plant produces electricity by burning fossil fuels, then the net environmental benefits of your EV lessen”

“That said, not all is lost”

“While many of America's power plants do burn fossil fuels, solar and wind farms can supplement the grid, further countering any emissions indirectly produced by EVs”

“Due to the fact electric motors have fewer moving parts than combustion engines, electric vehicles require less maintenance relative to their gas- and diesel-powered counterparts”

“Even better, the fact EVs use regenerative braking to slow down, means these vehicles use their mechanical brakes less frequently"

“As such, the braking components on EVs tend to wear at a much slower rate than those of cars with combustion engines”

“According to the U.S. Department of Energy, the expected life of an EV's battery pack is between 10 and 12 years”

“That said, battery Packs will have to go Somewhere when they fail and that can cause a lot of pollution in landfills”

“Not to mention the energy need to manufacture the new batteries needed”

“But newer technologies, like the Solid State battery, range and lifespan are increased”

“America's EV charging infrastructure is still rather weak, which means it can be difficult to find an available charger, let alone a functioning one, in public places”

“On the plus side, the most cost-effective and efficient way to charge an EV is via an at-home charger”

“Specifically, when hooked up to a 240-volt Level 2 charger, which ought to ensure your EV gets a sufficient charge overnight”

“Depending on the specific EV you own, the range added overnight should be more than enough to cover your daily driving needs”

“Ms. Moreau”

“Yes Rod”

“What kind of range do You have”

“You’ll never know”

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“Finally, there is another kind of zero-emission vehicle, one that emits only water vapor as it carries you down the road”

“That's the hydrogen fuel-cell vehicle, related to an EV but with specific differences that make hydrogen cars different and much rarer”

“A hydrogen fuel-cell vehicle, HFCV for short, uses the same kind of electric motor to turn the wheels that a battery-electric car does”

“But it's powered not by a large, heavy battery, but by a fuel-cell stack in which pure hydrogen, H2, passes through a membrane to combine with oxygen, O2, from the air, producing the electricity that turns the wheels, plus water vapor”

“What this means is that a fuel-cell vehicle is technically a series hybrid, which is why they are sometimes classified as fuel-cell hybrid electric vehicles, FCHEV”

“To scientists, hydrogen isn't actually a fuel but an energy carrier”

“Ignore that distinction, though, because HFCV drivers refill their vehicles' carbon-fiber high-pressure tanks at hydrogen fueling stations"

“Very similar in concept to the old reliable gas station, with a similar five-minute refueling time”

“You may hear that hydrogen is the most common element in the Universe”

“At the atomic level, that's true, but hydrogen is never found in its pure state”

“It's always combined with other elements”

“Its strong propensity to bind with anything in sight makes it a good energy carrier”

“Creating pure hydrogen for vehicles requires using a great deal of energy to crack a compound like natural gas, CH4 into pure H2, with CO2 as a byproduct”

“Most hydrogen today is derived from fossil fuels like natural gas”

“Run through a fuel cell, the hydrogen immediately gives back that energy, in the form of electricity, as soon as it combines with oxygen”

“Out of the exhaust pipe comes only water vapor, H2O”

“There are a few disadvantages, however, the most challenging being the availability of hydrogen fuel”

“But at the moment, it’s something of a risk”

“Creating a brand-new fueling network from scratch has proven to be far more problematic”

“Both expensive and unreliable, than automakers envisioned, and the fuel is pricier for drivers than gasoline”

“So, In Conclusion”

“Ms. Moreau”

“Yes Daisy”

“Thank God”

“For Me and You also”


“When it comes to future car design, technology is the biggest driver behind new car models”

“Major trends show that cars of the future will be Electric, Autonomous, Connected and Sleek”

"Ms. Moreau"

"Yes Willy"

"Just Like You"

"Well at least You are observant"

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“In just a few years’ time, vehicles on the road could look nothing like they do today”

“And Furthermore, breakthroughs in Fusion technology can and may change the World entirely”

“Fission and Fusion are two physical processes that produce massive amounts of energy from atoms”

“Fission occurs when a neutron slams into a larger atom, forcing it to excite and split into two smaller atoms, also known as fission products”

“Additional neutrons are also released that can initiate a chain reaction”

“Fusion occurs when two atoms slam together to form a heavier atom, like when two hydrogen atoms fuse to form one helium atom”

“This is the same process that powers the Sun and creates huge amounts of energy”

“Several times greater than Fission”

“It also doesn’t produce highly radioactive Fission byproducts”

“Fusion reactions are being studied by scientists, but are difficult to sustain for long periods of time because of the tremendous amount of pressure and temperature needed to join the nuclei together”

“But when it is finally perfected, We will have abundant clean Energy”

“Any questions”

“Ms. Moreau”

“Yes Spurt”

“What do Koalas eat after a Nuclear Winter?”

“I can’t wait for the Answer”


"OK, one last Joke from Me"

"A Penguin is driving along the highway when, suddenly His engine starts running rough and He sees smoke in His rear view mirror"

"He pulls off the highway and finds the nearest service station, and pulls up to the garage with the car shaking and sputtering"

"He tells the Mechanic what happened, and the Mechanic says,"

"OK, give me 10 minutes to check it out"

"Meanwhile, the Penguin sees an ice cream shop across the street"

"Thinking this is a perfect time for a tasty treat, He heads over and gets Himself an ice cream cone"

"After He finishes, He walks back over to the garage, and asks the mechanic,"

"So, did You find out what's wrong?"

"The Mechanic looks at the Penguin and says,"

"It looks like You blew a Seal."

"The Penguin quickly wipes His face and says,"

"Oh, no, that's just the ice cream"


“Ok, Class Dismissed !!”

“And I will see most of You in Detention later”

“Right, Peter, Rod, Dick, Mr. Johnson, Wang, Willy, Mr. Pecker, Spurt, John, Mr. Poke and Daisy”

“Now get the !@#$ out of here”

In My Head,

“Thank God for Vodka”

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द्वारा प्रकाशित AmelieRMoreau
9 महीने पूर्व
टिप्पणियाँ पोस्ट करने के लिए कृपया या करें
Great post as usual Amelie.  Love the photos especially your jewellery between your legs. Xxx
जवाब दें
Wunderschöne sexy Fotos 💋
जवाब दें
So happy you are posting regularly again! Pretty derriere
जवाब दें
Happy to be in class again for a nice lesson, like the jewelry pic in particular 😘
जवाब दें