My News 12.9.2022

Live from Wyoming, (Cold as Shit !!), Though Upstate NY is not far off, weather wise. My 200th Post !! First let Me say, that there is an ongoing Technical Glitch in Photo Uploading on Xhamster, now. I was told by Tech and Model Support, that They are working on it. (No date I know of, when it will be fixed) So, I cannot attach photos to this Post, at the moment. I will try to describe, the best I can, everything that I cannot attach pictures to. At any rate. Last Wednesday night, I flew My plane to Wyoming for a so-called Business Meeting and Holiday party at Liam and Gisse’s Ranch… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था AmelieRMoreau 1 वर्ष पूर्व 5

My News 11.23.2022

“Good morning, Class” “Good morning, Ms. Moreau" “Class, I only have, a half day, to get all of our work done, because of the Thanksgiving break” “At least I will get a reprieve, from all of You, Little !@#$%^&*’s !!” In My Head I am Thinking, "This is My Thanksgiving Miracle" “So, I have been Florida, for the last Few Weeks, and I am 100% positive, You gave the Substitute Teacher, as much !@#$ as You give Me” “But, on another Topic, how were all of Your Halloween Festivities ?” “Yes. Rod, as usual” “What were You dressed up as for, Halloween ?” “I dressed as a Prost*tute” “I… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था AmelieRMoreau 1 वर्ष पूर्व 5

My News 11.7.2022

A Tale of Two Sisters By Charles Dicks-In Probably the best way to start explaining My worst sexual experience I have had yet with Esmée (My Yo*nger Sister) Is to first to tell You about Us She is F*ur Years Y*unger than Me Her and I have had a pretty, Perverse relationship, since She was Fift**n Years old and Me being Nineteen Like in "Game of Thrones", Cersei & Jaime, (Just Sisters instead) Her and Gisse together, took the Wild Horse out of Me, and made Me their Thoroughbred (Many Moons ago) Tea Parties, Cotillions and other Shit, For Me to do LOL She always wanted to… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था AmelieRMoreau 1 वर्ष पूर्व 9

My News 11.1.2022 The Aftermath

The Aftermath of My Party I am on a short break and wrote this in the Morning (Published just now) I said there would be an AAR, (After Action Report), soon after My Halloween Festivities Did it all, before I will turn 56 Years Old (November 7th, 2022) So here is the Report It did start at 2:00 PM and most of the Men came around the same time (Came, LOL) I did not meet My goal of 20 Men, only 19 (Close only counts in Horseshoes) At least I thought ahead and numbered 20 Apples One of My favorite stockings with the little bows[image class="blog-image align-center size-large"]513371477[/… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था AmelieRMoreau 1 वर्ष पूर्व 7

My News 10.30.2022 - All Hallows Eve

All Hallows Eve 10.30.2022 Ms. Moreau’s Halloween Party, tomorrow The Queen on Her Throne I have been asked, by multiple People on xHamster, through My messages, what am I going to do for Halloween About 3 Days ago, I started to plan, what I desired to happen Took a bit of effort and I had some help to set it up I took today, and Halloween off, from Volunteering, to prepare it all I have a lot of Costumes at My home in Upstate NY, bu… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था AmelieRMoreau 1 वर्ष पूर्व 8

My News 10.29.2022

So Where I am at this moment I am still doing Volunteer Work in The Fort Myers area (And anywhere SWFL) Tons of People have been totally FUCKED by Hurricane Ian !! I am trying My absolute best to Help as much as I can Some people have no way out at all Lost everything they have and may be homeless Breaks My heart completely Fort Myers Beach, Florida (Before and After Hurricane Ian) AP © Parts of Cape Coral, Florida (After Hurricane Ian) AP © Marcus and… अधिक पढ़ें

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My News 10.24.2022

There is a lot of people that follow My Postings So what I am up to now I have Friends in Fort Myers, Florida that were Hit with Hurricane Ian I flew My Plane down to bring Shit that People would need Since then I have been volunteering My time to help with the effort to clean it all up This pile of Debris is about 10 Foot tall Twice My Height (I am 5'2" tall) I may not be Religious at all, but I am working now with a Christian Group I Did Find My Main Squeeze (An FHP, Florida State Trooper to keep Me Company) I May K… अधिक पढ़ें

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My News 10.18.2022

I may repeat My Posts But this a good one This happened to Me at My first Home in NY and I was 30 Years Old. I was on leave from the airline and was downstairs with quite a few men, some of them, I was still dating. And even more, eventually turned up later. I was about to go upstairs to change, which I totally went along with, because I knew what was going to happen soon and I wanted to get ready for action, when I was told that this will be toughest session I have ever done. “Amélie, Can You Do It”? "Not A Fuck**g, Problem, Of Course I Can” “When Have I Ever Refused”. I never knew… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था AmelieRMoreau 1 वर्ष पूर्व 3

My News 10.16.2022

“Good Morning Class” “Good Morning, Ms. Moreau” "Now that I am back teaching class, and You no longer have a Substitute to Harass” “I was told that the whole time She was here, You were a complete bunch of Jerks” “Ms. Moreau” “Yes Michael” “That is because You were not here to Jerk it” Giggling Heard “Goddamn, Michael You are one little !@#$%^ER!! “Ms. Moreau” “Yes Daisy” “I hope You did not expect the Females to do it” “The experience might do You some good later in life, Daisy” “I was going to teach, Sex Ed, but to screw with You, like You do with Me, I will teach something that… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था AmelieRMoreau 1 वर्ष पूर्व 4

My News 9.5.2022 - 1st Day of Class

Brrrrrrrng ! Brrrrrrrng ! “Good morning, Class” “Good morning, Ms. Moreau” “Well Class, We are now starting a new School year and I will have to deal with all of You, little, !@#$%^&*()’s for another year” “So, let’s start off with some news, before our lesson will begin” “We have a new student from the UK” “Master Ploughman” "Yes Peter” “What a funny name” “Peter, that may be somewhat funny to You, but I think that the Class will agree that the last student from the UK, Master Bates, was way funnier, than that !!” “Or the two exchange students from Israel, Yakoff and Yerkoff”… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था AmelieRMoreau 2 वर्षो पूर्व 5

My News 9.4.2022

To Jump the G*n, and to get ahead of it, before I get asked in Class tomorrow I will give You a short summary of what I did during Summer vacation All of You are aware that I taught Summer school, for most of the Boneheads in My class, from last Years semesters Beyond that I was in the UAE, for quite awhile Then to Israel, for some short, Me time Back to Upstate NY, and took on the tasks of training My new puppy and all of the assorted guests in My home Not to mention cooking, cleaning and all the other Ménagère Sh*t So, Class tomorrow, and hopefully all of You Little, !@#$%^&*'s… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था AmelieRMoreau 2 वर्षो पूर्व 2

My News 9.2.2022

As You all well know, by looking at Your Calendars, School starts Monday 9.5.2022 A Heads Up I will be replacing Ms. Cookie Permanently She has gone to a different School District So, I will be Your Teacher for the rest of the Year I will not tolerate Misbehavior of any kind !! Or a Weeks Detention with Me after School Also make sure that You have Your Rabies shot and vaccination against Dipsydoodleitis !! See You Then Do not be Tardy !! Ms. Moreau Miss Cookie’s, Final photo in Class, last Year, for You to remember Her by I am sure You will Miss Her as much as She will Miss You… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था AmelieRMoreau 2 वर्षो पूर्व 4

My News 8.9.2022

I have not Posted Recently, because it is Summer Vacation School starts for You, Early September The First Topic is Religious Studies So, make sure to get all of Your School Supplies !! Pencils, Backpacks, and New Clothes, Etc. And If You are not in Class , Detention !! Your Teacher leaves You with this one thought !!… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था AmelieRMoreau 2 वर्षो पूर्व 11

My News 6.23.2022

"Good Morning' Class" "Good Morning Ms. Moreau !!" "So, I have decided to change the Subject matter I usually talk about and be a little more personal" "Yes, Rod" Ms. Moreau, when are You not personal with Us ?" Giggles and Snickering "!@#$%^&* Rod, You are pain in My ass" "Ms. Moreau, Isn't that the point?" "Yes, I guess it is, speaking from experience" More Snickering "Okay, now settle down and let Me tell You a story from My past" "Yes Peter" "Is it like Your present Self" "God' You Guys are truly !@#$%^&* UP !!" "Or Ms. Moreau, We just like !@#$%^&* !!" "Yes, Pet… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था AmelieRMoreau 2 वर्षो पूर्व 5

My News 6.18.2022

Sorry !! I have been Missing in Action lately I am on a 2 Country Business trip for My Father and have not had 1 minute to write anything I was in the Middle East for the 1st trip I am in Chicago, USA, at the moment, finishing up, some Shit, before I leave for Abu Dhabi, to arrive early Monday morning I will be back to writing and posting then The Video I posted a few Days had to be reuploaded because of a complaint from another site I am on It has been resolved and should be up again soon (again Sorry!!) So in the meantime, a photo for all of You (I will post others from this phot… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था AmelieRMoreau 2 वर्षो पूर्व 3

My News 6.9.2022

“Good Afternoon, Class” “Good Afternoon, Ms. Moreau !!” “Well, I must say that You little Terrors are well behaved Today” “That is not what You said after School Yesterday, Ms. Moreau” “Yes, I did say that Yesterday, Rod, You are correct” ”Now Today’s Subject is Intertwined and a lead up to Tomorrows Topic” “Yes, Peter” “Isn’t that Your favorite Topic” “What do You Mean” “Intertwining, just like after School, Ms. Moreau” **** The Whole class, Giggles **** “God, the lot of You, are a Pain in My ass” “Like I said Ms.… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था AmelieRMoreau 2 वर्षो पूर्व 2

My News 6.8.2022

"Class, Please take Your seats, so I can take attendance" "Rod" "Yo" "Christ, did You just fall off of the Fucking, Tomato truck in the Ghetto ??" "You say, Present !!" "Sorry, Ms. Moreau, Present !!" "Better, Rod" "Michael ?" "Present !" **** And so on **** "Let Me call it in to the Office, and then, I will share something with You little @#$%^&*'s !!" "So all of My hard work has paid off, finally" Rod speaking "Yep, You definitely like it hard" "Very, Fucking, Funny, Rod" "So," "I made the cover of a pretty decent National magazine, this Month"… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था AmelieRMoreau 2 वर्षो पूर्व 4

My News 6.7.2022

My Apologies to All of You, That I have not written recently It is My Fault and Mine Alone !! I am still in Mourning Mode My Form of Penance to all that I have wronged, and that have recently passed !! But, on another topic, I uploaded a new video “Common Universal Natural Tendency - C.U.N.T.” Ammar and I ended up doing the Final Finish of it, in Abu Dhabi It is in no way perfect We did well over 30 edits of it Nothing like seeing the same thing over and over Ammar is Super Smart and with My instruction, picked up quickly how to edit It was filmed in 2020 at My home in Upstate NY… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था AmelieRMoreau 2 वर्षो पूर्व 2

My News 5.31.2022

I have been 100% neglectfu,l that I have not posted lately I am in Mourning till June 21st, For Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyanalifa I am very close I am also Mourning the victims of Buffalo, NY and Uvalde, Texas God Bless all c***dren I am dressed in Black, from My head to My toes, and a black headscarf also With a Khimar (veil) It is very Old School, But it is just My absolute, best that I can do to be respectful My Father loves Me, as the number 1, because I practice old customs With, my Black Dress Shit, and Veils I am wearing It is hot as Shit in the UAE wearing that, We… अधिक पढ़ें

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My News 5.25.2022

Due to the Horrific Shooting of Innocent Ch*ldren in Texas Yesterday (And the Toll keeps Climbing) And shortly after the Mass Shooting in Buffalo, NY Out of complete respect to the Victims and Their Devastated families (I cannot even imagine what they are going through) I will not Post anything for quite a while I study Religion, Yet I am not very Religious I convey to Them, in Hebrew; "Min haShamayim Tenuhamu" “May you be consoled from Heaven.” God bless all Ch*ldren… अधिक पढ़ें

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