Wedding Announcement

We'll be making a change to our profile soon to reflect this but we wanted to post this first. This past Friday we were married at our church in a small ceremony with our family and our closest friends in attendance. We have decided to hyphenate our last names and make the legal changes so our Ian and Michelle will have the same last name as their moms.… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था PattyCakes40 8 वर्षो पूर्व 6

Never Forget

Hi there. This is Jill and we're just home from the VFW get-together. Ninety six years ago the guns fell silent ending "The War to end all wars". Obviously that didn't happen since we just spent the evening with combat vets from Vietnam up to the present. I suppose like every other parent I pray when our c***dren are grown there won't be any wars for them to fight. But there probably will be. In the meantime I want to remember everyone who has fought to keep us free, including my beautiful life partner Patty and those who never came home. God bless you all.… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था PattyCakes40 9 वर्षो पूर्व 3

I won't do that

Many people have a favorite expression, either of their own or borrowed from someone else they use when they want to say they absolutely, positively will NOT do something. I (Jill) thought I would slip my partner Patty's in (she knows I'm doing this). There's a club right on the county line, straddling it in fact that is the hangout for the area's bikers. Not the wannabe's mind you, the real deal. For this story we'll call it "Harrigan's" which is no where near being its real name. In her years with the city police and even more so when she moved to the county police force Patty has arre… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था PattyCakes40 10 वर्षो पूर्व 3


Jill and I are delighted to announce the birth of our daughter Michelle three days ago on June 7th at 2.42 PM EDT. 21 inches long 7lbs 6 ounces. All is well.… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था PattyCakes40 10 वर्षो पूर्व 6


We thought about simply updating the profile but decided we would announce here first. Speaking of first, our first announcement is that after nearly three years of trying Jill is pregnant! Thank you for all the support and kind words we have received and special thanks to Patty's brother who has donated the sperm all this time to make our c***d truely a mixture of the both of us. Secondly Patty has finally finshed her bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice which means. among other things, that she will be eligible for higher rank if she stays with the County Police, which is her intention. No… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था PattyCakes40 10 वर्षो पूर्व 3