My News 4.8.2024

“Good Afternoon Class”

“Good Afternoon Ms. Moreau”

“Well, it has been a while since I have been Online with My Classes”

“I Have been extremely busy learning to run a large Ranch in Wyoming”

My News 4.8.2024
“And I am quite aware of Your behavior with Your Substitute Teacher”

“So, before I dismiss Class Today for You to enjoy the Total Solar Eclipse”

“And also Suspend Todays Detention”

"Why I don't know"

“My Topic Today is Going to be a Doozy”

“Ms. Moreau”

“Yes Rod, of course”

“How do you organize a Solar Eclipse party?”

“How Rod?”

“You Planet”

In My Head

“Fuck I have only been gone 1 Month, And I already need another Month off”

“Hilarious Rod”

“Ms. Moreau”

“Yes Willy”

“What did the Sun bring to the Solar Eclipse party?”


“A light snack!”

“Willy, You are a total !@#$%”

"Ms. Moreau”

“Yes Dick”

“How does the Moon cut its hair?”


“Eclipse it!”

“Dick You are as Stupid as Willy !!”

“Okay class, enough nonsense”

“Let Me start My lesson or We will be here Till the next Total Eclipse”

In My head

“This is Gods Penalty for all of My transgressions, I assume”

My News 4.8.2024 2
“My topic today deals with Biotechnology, specifically with Toxins”

“It is the use of Ensemble Machine Learning of Gradient Boosting ,XGBoost, LightGBM, CatBoost and Attention-Based CNN-LSTM for Harmful Algal Blooms Forecasting”

The Entire Class Groans the loudest I have ever heard

“Ms. Moreau”

“Yes Peter”

“How do You come up with the most boring Shit possible?”

“I am a Sadist, that’s how”

“So, to begin”

“Harmful Algal Blooms, HABs, are a serious threat to ecosystems and human health”

“The accurate prediction of HABs is crucial for their proactive preparation and management”

“While mechanism-based numerical modeling, such as the Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code, EFDC”

“Has been widely used in the past, the recent development of machine learning technology with data-based processing capabilities has opened up new possibilities for HABs prediction”

“There has been development and evaluation of two types of machine learning-based models for HABs prediction”

“Gradient Boosting models, XGBoost, LightGBM, CatBoost and attention-based CNN-LSTM models”

“CNN-LSTM architecture involves using Convolutional Neural Network layers for feature extraction on input data coupled with LSTMs, Long Short-Term Memory, to exploit Spatio-Temporal dependencies”

"Ms. Moreau"

"Yes Wang"

"Like the Temporal Anomalies in Star Trek"

"Nope, More like the Anomalies in Your Brain"

Class Laughs

"Carrying on"

“Using Bayesian optimization techniques for hyperparameter tuning, and applied bagging and stacking ensemble techniques to obtain the final prediction results”

"Ms. Moreau"

"Yes Mr. Pecker"

"Bagging and Stacking, HaHaHa !!"

"I am sure You are familiar with That, Mr. Pecker !!"

Class Snickers

"To continue"

“The final prediction result was derived by applying the optimal hyperparameter and bagging and stacking ensemble techniques”

“And the applicability of prediction to HABs was evaluated”

“Ms. Moreau”

“Yes Wang”

“What the Fuck”

“Well, I told You it was going to be a Doozy Today”

“Sure, the Fuck is !!”

My News 4.8.2024 3
“Ms. Moreau”

“Yes Spurt”

“What do you call a Blonde who dyes Her hair brown?”


“Artificial Intelligence”

“Not too bad Spurt”

“Ms. Moreau”

“Yes Mr. Ploughman”

“What is an AI’s favorite music?”



“Okay You Nincompoops”

“Let Me Continue My Lesson”

“Ms. Moreau”

“Yes Dick”

“Do You have too?”


“I said I was Sadistic”

My News 4.8.2024 4
“When predicting HABs with an ensemble technique”

“It is judged that the overall prediction performance can be improved by complementing the advantages of each model and averaging errors such as overfitting of individual models”

“I will highlight the potential of machine learning-based models for HABs prediction and emphasize the need to incorporate the latest technology into this important field”

“Various artificial environmental changes caused by continuous human activities, such as the Four Major Rivers Restoration Project"

"Of the Han River, Nakdong River, Geum River and Yeongsan River in South Korea"

"And also Global climate change”

“Are changing the aquatic environment and increasing the frequency of harmful algal blooms, HABs”

“Recently, in the Republic of Korea, the problem of water source management has been raised due to the occurrence of HABs in the water source section every Summer”

“And many damages, such as the de*th of aquatic organisms, are occurring”

“As a result, the need to preemptively predict and respond to HABs is emerging”

“Economic losses from HABs over the past 30 years have been estimated at USD,121 Million”

“The occurrence, duration, and frequency of HABs are increasing, posing a serious threat to aquatic ecosystems”

“The National Institute of Environmental Research, NIER”

“Integrated the water quality forecasting system and the algae warning system in 2020 as a system for managing HABs and provides HABs forecast information to HABs management institutions and the general public”

“So that they can be managed preemptively through HABs forecasting”

“It is very important to improve the accuracy of HABs prediction by upgrading the HABs prediction technology”

“Various studies are being conducted to predict HABs as a method for quickly preparing a policy management plan before or when HABs are expected to occur”

“Previous studies have focused on improving HABs monitoring technology and raising awareness”

“And mechanism-based numerical modeling such as the Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code, EFDC, has been considered as an alternative to understanding and mitigating the effects of HABs”

“Recently, machine learning technology with large data processing capability has been attracting attention”

“And it is used in various fields such as voice recognition, image analysis, and biological mechanisms”

"Ms. Moreau"

"Yes Mr. Poke"

"Like Your Biological Mechanisms"

"Mr. Poke, !@#$ off !!"

My News 4.8.2024 5
“Among various time-series machine learning algorithms, Gradient Boosting and deep learning technologies are being advanced and applied to various topics”

“Artificial intelligence (AI) methods make significant contributions to the control of a system”

“Determining the decisions to be made about the system, future strategies, and increasing efficiency”

"Ms. Moreau"

"Yes Wang"

"Are You increasingly efficient?"



“Gradient Boosting is generally known to have a higher prediction performance than random forest”

“Since an ensemble model is constructed using multiple decision trees, it shows high prediction performance”

“Since the decision tree learns the model by predicting the residual error of the previous decision tree”

“It has an effect of preventing overfitting”

“Representatively, there are eXtreme Gradient Boosting, XGBoost”

“Light Gradient Boosting Machine, LightGBM and Categorical Boosting, CatBoost”

“XGBoost, LightGBM, and CatBoost are all machine learning libraries based on the Gradient Boosting algorithm”

“XGBoost was developed in 2014 and gained popularity as it performed well on large datasets and won many data science competitions”

“Ms. Moreau”

‘Yes Mr. Pecker”

“What do you call it when a Hedge Fund Manager loses His job to a Watson inspired AI built by IBM?”

“I’ll bite”

“It doesn’t matter”

“We’ll all be laughing too hard to care”


In My Head

“God Damn little !@#$%^&*()'s”

My News 4.8.2024 6
“So, before the bell rings”

“A bit more before I continue on this topic, next Class"

Class groans even louder !!


“Since then, it has been developed by adding various functions such as GPU learning and distributed learning through version updates”

“LightGBM, developed by Microsoft in 2017”

“Has faster speed and lower memory usage than XGBoost”

“And is designed to ensure high speed in large data while ensuring high accuracy even in small data samples”

“Ms Moreau”

“Yes Mr. Johnson”

“You know what is Microsoft?”


“Rod’s Weiner”

“Tell Me something new !!”

Class busts out laughing


“CatBoost was developed by Yahoo in 2017 and has strengths in handling categorical variables”

“It is an optimized algorithm that automatically applies regularization to prevent overfitting and enables fast learning on both CPU and GPU”

“Ms. Moreau”

“Yes John”

“Don’t You date Yahoo’s in Wyoming”

In My head

“Christ !!”

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“I'll try to continue”

“Research on deep learning technology began with the RNN, Recurrent Neural Network model”

“Which was structured to calculate the current output value by considering the previous input value”

“The LSTM, Long Short-Term Memory model”

“And the GRU, Gated Recurrent Unit, model”

“Have also been published”

“The GRU model, which has a simpler structure than LSTM”

“Is an improved model using a gate to update the state of a memory cell”

“Was introduced to solve the problem that the length of the input sequence and the output sequence are different”

“The Seq2Seq, Sequence-to-Sequence model”

“Uses two RNN models, an encoder and a decoder, respectively, and was introduced to solve this problem”

“To overcome the limitations of the RNN model”

“Which uses all information in the input sequence equally”

“The attention mechanism was developed by Bahdanau et al”

"Ms. Moreau"

"Is He Badder Than You?"

"Most likely not"

My News 4.8.2024 8
“A method of extracting information by focusing only on the necessary part of the input sequence and calculating the output value”

The Transformer model, which further develops the attention mechanism into a multi-head attention form, was introduced by Vaswani et al”

“The Temporal Convolutional Network, TCN model”

“Which combines a 1D-CNN, Convolutional Neural Network”

“With models such as RNN, LSTM, and GRU, was proposed by Oord et al”

“It is a model applied to time-series data prediction using a multi-head attention-based transformer model”

"Ms. Moreau"

"Yes Spurt"

"Like in the Movie Transformers"

"Spurt, You are a total Idiot !!"

“So, in Conclusion for Today”

“Ms. Moreau”

“Yes Mr. Poke”

“Shoutout to Jesus This Class is going to end”

“Mr. Poke, You are not the only one ”

My News 4.8.2024 9
“So, Recent research studies on predicting HABs using Gradient Boosting and deep learning techniques”

“have become increasingly prevalent, particularly in the context of time-series data analysis”

“HABs data, along with various weather and water-quality variables that impact HABs”

Exhibit a time-series distribution improved the performance of machine learning models for the early warning of HABs using an adaptive synthetic sampling method”

“In a study utilizing the Gradient Boosting technique, it employed gradient-boosted regression trees to predict cynotoxin levels”

“There is also ongoing research employing deep learning techniques, such as the LSTM method, which is particularly effective for time-series analysis”

“And has been widely used for predicting Algae”


“Well, that is the end of Class for Today”

“Tomorrow the Application of and the Study of Toxins in the Waters of South Korea”

Even more groaning

“But first My AI jokes before dismissal”

“Two AIs are talking”

“One says”

"Do you think we will never be able to compete with humans?"

“The other replies”

"Don't worry, they'll be too busy arguing about which programming language is superior"

“And 1 more”

“Scientists predict human-level artificial intelligence by 2030”

“Maybe sooner if the bar keeps dropping”

In My head

“Like these !@#$%^& Loser Students !!”

“Class Dismissed”

“Detention resumes Tomorrow”

"Though much to Your chagrin, I will not be there, only watch You remotely"

“So, Enjoy the Solar Eclipse”

Class quickly closes Their Laptops

In My Head

"Thank God !!"

“And I am finally getting back at those little !@#$%^&*()’s !!”

“Now to get totally Eclipsed Myself”

“Where’s that Bottle ?”

My News 4.8.2024 10
द्वारा प्रकाशित AmelieRMoreau
5 महीने पूर्व
टिप्पणियाँ पोस्ट करने के लिए कृपया या करें
Is it only I that loves to read through your writings, Imagining that I am the Only one in the class and paying so much attention to my Instructor and her incredible outfits........
जवाब दें
My Hot Lady taking control of her class and so many gorgeous photos including All Her Assets..... Lovely!  OXOXO Dee
जवाब दें
I have to tell you, that I so want you incredibly bad 
जवाब दें